5. Is He Serious Orrrr...?

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It was 5:28 in the morning and sleep still hadn't found me yet. There was so much on my mind and it didn't look like I'd be dozing off anytime soon. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that Oli kissed me yesterday. I think he did it just to see if I was lying when I told him that I was gay but was that really a logical reason to kiss someone? And it wasn't just a quick peck on the lips. It had a bit of length.. a bit of something else too, and I couldn't stop wondering what it was. 

Then, there was Kellin who went and hung out with Andy on BVB's bus yesterday. I told him not to forget about me, which meant to come back soon so we could hang out, but I hadn't heard from him for the rest of the day. I had called and texted him several times but I still haven't gotten a response. Maybe he and Andy got drunk. Andy was a big party animal who couldn't really have a decent gathering without alcohol so that was a possibility. I wasn't mad about it or anything.. I just wanted to be sure of whether Kellin was alright or not. 

I pulled back my bunk's curtain and jumped out of bed, careful to not wake the guys. I walked to front of the bus, almost falling as the bus made a turn. "Hey", I said to our bus driver, Curtis.

"Pretty early to be up, wouldn't you say so?", was his response.

"Yeah well, I've got a lot on my mind", I said as I stretched out on the couch behind him. 

"What is it this time?", he asked. "You're a handsome, young heart breaker. I presume that it's relationship troubles?"

I giggled. "Well I wouldn't say that I'm a heart breaker.. nor would I say that it's relationship troubles. I think my relationship is doing okay at the moment. It's just... I don't really know. I'm confused about a lot of things these days".

"Confused? Confused how?"

"There's this friend of mine. He's.. he's gay and he's scared because he doesn't really know how to handle it. There's apparently this guy that he's really crushing on but he won't do anything because they have a close friendship and he doesn't want things ruined..", I began. I know that it sounds weird that I'm telling my bus driver our problems but he's really good with this stuff. He's the only other person who knows that I'm gay and who knows about Kellin. He's got a lot of wisdom in him and I completely trust him.

"You mean the tall, lanky,  and skinny one? The one with the nice, dark hair and nice jawbones?", he asked.

"Uhmm.. yeah. How did you know that?", I asked in shock.

He laughed to himself. "Well while you guys are out and about and playing shows or whatever, I sit in the yard and watch. I just sit back and observe everyone and everything they do. I'm old and have a lot of experience and it's not hard for me to interpret things. There are quite a few of you.. Uh.. weird guys in the bunch", he chuckled.

"Oh. Wow", was all I was able to say for a minute. "What do you mean by 'weird guys?'", I asked.

"Gay", he replied.

"A lot of us? Who else?", I asked in anticipation. 

"Oh I'm not going to tell anyone else's business but just know that you, Kellin, and the lanky fellow aren't the only ones", he replied.

"His name's Oli", I said in response to 'the lanky fellow'.

"Mmmmm", was his response. I dropped the conversation and pondered who else it could be that was gay besides the three of us. I mean, Oli told me that Josh was also. Could that have been who he was talking about? Probably so. 

I pushed the thought out of my mind and decided to give Kellin a call since he had yet to reply to any of my texts or return any of my calls. He picked up on like the 6th ring. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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