Chapter 4

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You would think being a key player in the creation of the Village Hidden in the Leaves and becoming its Second Hokage would earn you a little respect. At the very least, a supporting role in the tale. Nope, Senju Tobirama was a foot note; a glorified foot note in the tale of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Better than that, even Uchiha Madara had a leading role in the tale – granted, as a villain, but a leading role, none the less.

Ok, so maybe Kanoko was making this a bigger deal than it was, but honestly being surrounded by all these kids made her feel the need to be childish.

And it was this childish tantrum that was the leading cause of the events that day.

The day Kanoko made an enemy she would forever regret.




"Ok class! You are dismissed for today! Don't forget, your assignment is to write down why you want to be a ninja and bring it to class tomorrow for discussion." Iruka-sensei told the class loudly as everyone gathered there things.

Kanoko was still grumbling in her head about the day's history lesson. She got up, trying to make a quick escape out the door, but was having difficulties getting past all the chatting kids.

"Ano, Kanoko-chan?"

Kanoko turned around to the voice that called her, with a slight tick on her head. It was the pinkette again. What was her name?

"Hai?" She answered.

"I was wondering... well..." The girl was fidgeting, unsure of herself in what she wanted to ask.

Kanoko was slowing running out of patience, but quickly told herself that this was a little girl she was dealing with and she needed to be calm.

Taking a small breath, she said slowly, "Don't worry, please just ask me your question." Kanoko tried to follow it up with a kind smile, but it came out more as an awkward smirk. She was horrible with children...

"Well... Do you mind if we walk together to kunoichi class?"



"Kunoichi class?" Kanoko asked with a worried tone.

"Hai." Was the girl's simple response.

They stared at each other for a moment, the girl with a lost and hopeful look and Kanoko with a shocked and pale expression.

Suddenly, a dark aura flooded the room.

"Eeek! Sorry!" The pink hair girl screamed with small tears as she ran away from Kanoko.

"They can't possibly be serious! I spend how many hours learning a history that is only loosely true and now I have to go to a kunoichi class?! What do they do in kunoichi class anyways? Press flowers?! Senju Tobirama will not press flowers!" Kanoko thought spilling negative energy in waves.

How many more blows to her ego must she endure? Maybe next, they'll run tests on everyone and learn she has the chakra reserves of a small rodent and start training her how to be the perfect house wife.

Kanoko started stomping towards the classroom doors and thought, "I'd like to see them try!"


"HEY! What's the big idea huh?!"

Kanoko looked down at the kid she just knocked over in her rage. She looked like a gangster's that was just disrespected.

It was that idiot that failed to sneak into the classroom earlier.

"OI! I asked you a question! What are you deaf?!" He asked getting up into her face with his bottom lip sticking out and eyes narrowed. "Do you have a problem with me?! Huh?! HUH?!" He then got into a fighting stance with his hands moving all over the place.

Kanoko just stood there, shaking in anger, "Tobirama, calm down. You are above this. Just breath." Kanoko told herself, in an attempt to control her anger. "A ninja must suppress their emotions. This childish anger is beneath you."

Naruto, of course, took her shaking as fear and stopped moving around and instead took a victory pose. "Haha! Scared of my super amazing ninja skills?! I understand completely! No worries, the great Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage, forgives you!" He finished with a large mischievous grin and a loud laugh.

He turned round, but not before saying, "Maybe with hard work and lots of practice you will have the guts to face me! Hahaha-" Suddenly Naruto was yanked away from his attempt to leave and dragged right into the purple and angry face of one Nara Kanoko.

"Listen here you little bastard. I'm not going to let some idiot mock me. I don't care if you are an Uzumaki, you're just some third rate ninja whose not going to become a genin, let alone become the Hokage!" With that, Kanoko roughly shoved Naruto to the ground before roughly walking right over him.

Without turning around, Kanoko, in a low voice said, "You couldn't hit me, if I was tied to a pole and were unconscious."

As a final blow, she said, "You're just a village idiot."

Kanoko then continued to make her way to the exit, ignoring the shocked faces staring at her and Naruto.

With barely noticeable tears in his eyes, Naruto quickly shook the hurt away and turned it into anger, yelling, "I don't know who you are, but you and I are rivals! Did you hear me?! I'm going to beat you, you bastard!"

"I'd like to see you try." Was Kanoko's only response as she left the room for her next class.


It was later, eating dinner with her family that the gravity of the situation hit her.

She, Nara Kanoko, previously Senju Tobirama, threw a tantrum. A childish, hair pulling, name calling, tantrum.




She deserved the flower pressing classes. She really did.



A shadowy figure cracked open a window to the academy classroom. The figure quickly jump from the window, into the classroom.

"Haha! I'll show her. This will be my best prank yet! No one will ever see this one coming! Watch out teme! Uzumaki Naruto is the best! Believe it!"

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