Chapter 6

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The Nara Clan forest was a large expanse of land, completely covered by trees. It was located on the outskirts of Konoha and is a unique forest within the Land of Fire. A plentiful amount of deer roamed the area and those of the Nara Clan were entrusted to look after them. The Nara Clan, among their skills in strategies, deduction, and yin jutsu, they were also known for their scholarly dedication to the medical field. Many modern remedies were created by the Nara Clan. One of their most common ingredients were antlers from these deer. It in turn, produced medicines.

There was a condition however: no one, but members of the clan are allowed to step foot into the forest without permission. For this reason, the forest was quiet and peaceful. After all, the Nara Clan certainly wasn't known for their loud demeanor, but rather their "too lazy to speak" principle.

This quiet and serene setting was exactly what Kanoko believed was needed to focus on her training: Molding chakra.

Kanoko sat on the ground, far enough away from her home to be out of sight, but not too far incase her mother needed her. Or get lost... If Kanoko was being honest with herself, it would be the latter.

After crossing her legs, she picked up a fallen leaf and held it in her hand. She tried to focus her chakra into the leaf. Nothing happened.

She closed her eye, focusing on her chakra, which formed in her stomach. She tried to move it around, but by the time she could feel it get to her arms, it would dissipate.

"Curse this body!" Kanoko thought glaring at the leaf in her hand.

Kanoko had been struggling for some time with her chakra. Normally, only regular civilians had chakra reserves so low that they couldn't form their chakra, but Kanoko was from a ninja family and a long standing clan – this shouldn't be an issue.

She had contemplated asking her "father" for help, as there may be something, relating to the Nara Clan that had an answer to this, but she had observed Shikamaru as he (was forced) trained and he did not have the same problem.

"I'm doing something wrong. I have to." Kanoko focused her thoughts and energy into her arm again, and by extension, the leaf. It did not stick.

"Perhaps this is a consequence of reincarnation?"

Kanoko looked up from her arm, towards the sky. She stared at the clouds and thought, "What good am I, if I can't form chakra? I can only guess that my presence indicates a dark future ahead, but how am I supposed to defend my home, with this limitation? "

She stared at the clouds passing by slowly for a while longer before she felt a whoosh of air. She turned her head, noticing someone laying down next to her, gazing at the clouds in longing. Not someone, her brother, Shikamaru.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, but decided she didn't have anything to ask – as least nothing she cared to know.

Instead, she laid down on her back.

It was moments like these that she was reminded of her first family; of her little brothers and her older goofy one. They never got much of a chance to lie down like this, as there was always a battle to fight or a task to complete, but they would have a few small, peaceful moments together.

She looked to her left, towards her brother, barely moving her head. Her mouth settled into a small smile as she thought, "I guess he's growing on me."

She closed her eyes, enjoying the fresh air blowing through and the warmth of the sun.


"Kaa-san said she needs you to run errands."

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