Chapter 25

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Kanoko turned the corner, running through town and towards Jiraiya's chakra signature. Kanoko peered behind her to see Shizune break off from Kanoko – likely to find Tsunade. Kanoko grunted, "The person who Tsunade is now... I doubt she would aid us." Kanoko felt a bit numb after thinking that about her grandniece. She briefly wondered if she played a part in the woman Tsunade is today, but casted it aside. Kanoko had too much to think about concerning getting Naruto back safely. She didn't have time to dwell on her mistakes – as plentiful as they seemed to be.

Kanoko pushed her body harder when she saw a familiar long white haired man sitting at an outside bar. Kanoko skidded passed the flaps and slammed her hand onto the counter, causing Jiraiya to jump – sake going all over his front.

"What the hell?! COME ON!" Jiraiya yelled in frustration before grumbling as the bartender handed him a wash cloth.

"Naruto was taken by ANBU and they demanded we bring you to the crossroads tomorrow – or Naruto dies." Kanoko quickly spoke in one long breath. Kanoko panted lightly while Jiraiya stared at her like she just grew another head. Kanoko internally counted down from ten in her head and just as she reached one, Jiraiya sputtered out, "WHAT?!"

Kanoko bit the inside of her cheek in frustration, "What part of my statement was unclear? The part about Naruto being taken or that he may die?" Kanoko spoke slowly with narrowed eyes, nearing her wit's end.

Jiraiya gave her a dull look, "You know... You have to be the rudest little girl in existence. I am your elder. Elder." Kanoko just gave him a bland look. Jiraiya sighed before getting serious, "Ok. So you said ANBU took Naruto and they want me in return for him?" Jiraiya rubbed his face to help relieve some stress – it didn't work.

"Why would the ANBU Black Ops want with me?" Jiraiya asked out loud, his hand on his chin. Kanoko looked up at Jiraiya, "...What is it that you do for the village?" Jiraiya looked down at her, "...That's... I can't really tell you that, kid."

Kanoko shrugged, "Perhaps that is your answer – you are a loose end." Jiraiya barked out a laugh, "If that was so, they'd kill me a long time ago!" Kanoko didn't change her expression, "A long time ago Hiruzen was around to protect his student."

Jiraiya stilled before staring at Kanoko, "...You're right..." Jiraiya shook his head, "...But I don't think that is the case... Can you tell me more about the ANBU?"

Kanoko nodded, "There were six in total. Shizune poisoned and killed two – they showed no identifying skills, so I cannot tell you more about them. Three of them showed up after the fight concluded and did not provide me any insight into their abilities either."

Jiraiya pulled at his hair, "You're killing me kid! This is what you call useful information?"

Kanoko gave him an annoyed look, but continued, "...The last was a member of the Aburame clan – a rare insect user. I've seen this- I mean, I've heard of this type of insect user. Rinkaichu: They are an insect, but share common attributes to that of a parasite. They feed off of-"

"Yeah, I got it kid." Jiraiya interrupted Kanoko, not wanting an encyclopedia answer. Kanoko gave him another annoyed look, but Jiraiya ignored it by speaking out loud again, "I only know one person alive with that ability..."

Kanoko raised an eyebrow, "And this is a clue to the motivation behind this attack?" Jiraiya nodded, "...This unit... They aren't regular ANBU – they're a part of a Leaf organization called "The Foundation" or "Root"."

Kanoko eyes narrowed, "And this... Organization... It's trying to kill you... Or prevent you from something..." Jiraiya nodded slowly, "It could be either... I don't think Danzo would try to kill me – I bring a lot of – I mean, I'm important to the village in a unique way... And I can't imagine what may have changed to make him target me..."

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