Chapter 5

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It was another bright and peaceful day in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The day was just starting and families were waking up, getting ready for the day. In one particular household, things were things were normal, beginning the way they do every day.



Kanoko walked in the class doors behind her brother. She walked to the same seat as the day before, hoping to see the pink haired girl to apologize to, for her behavior yesterday. "My actions were unbecoming and unacceptable. I must take responsibility for my actions." She thought, sitting down.

As she watched the door for her, she noticed it was the Uzumaki she got in a fight with. "That's right. I will need to apologize to him as well." She thought watching him make his way to the seat in front of her. Their eyes met before he sat down, but not directly in front of her – just off to the side. He had a blank stare, before turning around and sitting down, but not before Kanoko caught the tail end of a devious smirk.

Kanoko narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked herself, "What is he up to?"

"Uzumaki. I wanted to-" She didn't get to finish as Iruka-sensei called the class to order.

"Ok class! In front of each of you is a pencil and paper! Now this piece of paper is very important. This is your registration form as a ninja, so take your time before filling it out. No second chances!" He finished before motioning the class to start.

Kanoko looked down at her pencil. There was some sort of odd grip on it. She had seen a few of them in stores, but never used one. Some of these new inventions still got the better of her somedays. Pushing that aside, she grabbed the pencil and moved it to the paper. Once the pencil hit the paper, the pencil snapped in half where the grip was and black ink sprayed out all over her and her paper.

"What the hell?!" Kanoko thought trying to rub the ink off of her, only making it worse.

Looking at her ruined paper, she picked it up and started walking to Iruka-sensei.

"Sensei, my pencil, in absent of a better word, exploded, and my pap-" Kanoko didn't get to finished her statement as she tripped over an invisible wire and went down hard; face first.

"Nara-san! Are you ok?" Iruka-sensei asked running over to Kanoko. He helped her off of the ground, while she stared at wire, noting where it was coming from.

"That little brat!" She thought in simmering anger. She looked over at Naruto. His eyes were shaped as upside-down crescent moons and he had his hand over his mouth.

"Nara-san. Do you know wh-" Iruka-sensei started before Kanoko interrupted him with a pointed look and replied, "My paper is ruined, may I please have another one?"

Iruka-sensei just stared, bewildered at Kanoko's statement before say, "Uh, sure. Just one moment."

After taking the new form from Iruka-sensei, Kanoko went back to her seat, but not before acquiring another pencil.

She sat down, monitoring Naruto for any other... surprises.

"I refuse to be bested by a child."


A few hours, Iruka-sensei left the class for a small break. Some of the children left to roam the halls or go outside, but Kanoko stayed at her desk. She didn't feel like moving and reasoned it was due to her genes – she wished she was born to a more motivated clan.

Naruto also hadn't moved, but had long sense put his head down and took a nap. Kanoko wasn't too worried about any other possible pranks, as she now knew of the possibility and was keeping a sharp watch of her surroundings.

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