Chapter Four: COEUS

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  ◤ ❝I see how fearful you are of your own mind. Intelligent, as it may be, it is also very dangerous. You run away from it because you believe it will be the cause of your undoing.❞ ― Albus Dumbledore◢  



September 1, 1996

             "Mia, you just disappeared."

Daphne and Tracey stood in the doorway of their dormitory, where Mia had escaped to once she was in the clear from Snape. It'd been a few hours, but when she heard the faint shouting of the prefects from downstairs, she knew that the Feast officially ended. In the time that they had stuffed their faces, she unpacked her belongings and got herself situated before the other girls showed up. She'd made sure to put a charm on her curtains, that way she was the only person who could open them, as well as keeping a lock on her things in case Parkinson took Draco up on his idea of a boggart. Nothing would surprise her. After finishing up that, she'd spend the rest of her time watching the Black Lake from their bay window. It was, coincidentally, not as black as it was green. 

Mia turned her head away from the lake when her friends entered. "I wasn't hungry." 

"Theodore was worried about you," Daphne said, frowning as she moved to sit on the bed that had been hers for the last five years. Tracey took a seat on the trunk that was next to it, embellished in the Slytherin crest. "So was Draco." 

"Which is someone we do need to talk about, Mia," Tracey said, bringing up the topic that had caused a scuffle between them earlier. Andromeda looked at the girl pointedly, but her curly-haired friend was bold enough to test the waters now. "What was that earlier at the table? You were plenty distracted this summer? What, have you and Malfoy gone and shagged in his fancy manor?"

Mia huffed in amusement, wrapping her change of clothes tighter around her body. It was the second time someone had publicly brought up her relationship with Draco that night. "That was just to annoy Parkinson... she honestly believes that there's something going on between the two of us. If my head is gone in the morning, you'll know why."

"I wouldn't be surprised if your head is gone in the morning, either," Tracey scoffed, scooting to look at Mia like she was staging an intervention. She didn't want to ruin how they'd moved past earlier, but her persistence and unfiltered mouth had more control than she did. "I thought he was ready to rip my bloody head off when I asked what you meant earlier...and then you go and act all suspicious at dinner. Do you think we're blind?"

Daphne pursed her lips together. "You two did spent all summer together."

"With his mother, Daphne," Mia said, her words spilling out in mild annoyance. It was hilarious in the beginning to get under Parkinson's skin, but she didn't want the entire school thinking that she spent all summer shagging Malfoy after her father passed away. Even if it was better than the alternative of what she was actually doing. "I think both of you are forgetting that my father died. His father is sentenced to Azkaban for life. His mother doesn't even know if she will see her husband again—my mother will never see hers—and you're asking if I made time in between that to begin a relationship with Malfoy? Honestly, is that what you think of me? That I will distribute my respect to anyone because I'm hurt? For the sake of what—a few late nights with a boy? I told you that I had no room for a relationship, and I meant it."

Tracey and Daphne quickly shrunk back in their seats, taken aback by the outburst from Mia. She forgot that they didn't know who she had become the last few months. They remembered their friend four months ago, who would laugh at their assumptions and raise her voice only in a sarcastic manner. She was not that anymore. She didn't laugh as much as she used to, and her voice became a powerful weapon when she needed it to be. She just hadn't quite figured out when to use it and when to keep it to herself.

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