Chapter Twenty-Five: PHILOTES

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◤ ❝I spent so long trying to prove what you were. This whole year, I never thought once that I could have stopped it...that I could have helped you.❞ ― Harry Potter ◢



January 7, 1997

       There was a small number of things (and people) that could so easily give Andromeda a wicked migraine. Not the kind you could busy away with a glass of water and medicinal help, but the migraines where even the faintest glint of light makes you want to find the nearest cliff just to end it all―those kind. She rarely got them aside from when she was practicing her Legilimency, which was extenuating circumstances in itself. However, as she laid on the rug in the Room with an arm strung over her face and Atlas sleeping soundlessly on her chest, she could not help but feel the tinge of murderous rage rising. One thing she could add to the little number of things was the constant, never-ending bickering of Draco and Theodore. They may be the worst of all.

"This isn't primary school fun, Nott. One slip-up from you and it's all of our heads for the Dark Lord's amusement."

"Me, slip-up?" Theodore guffawed, snorting as he turned on his heel in exasperation. "I'm not the one acting so bloody suspicious around every turn, Malfoy. Need I remind you, Mia didn't tell me. I figured it out, and I reckon the others will be well on their way to the same conclusion―"

Draco rolled his eyes. "They're idiots. They couldn't walk in a straight line―"

"You would have said the same thing about me two months ago. You underestimate the others far too much, and you give even less credit to those that aren't asking questions. Potter's already got the Headmaster in on this little fantasy he's made up of you and Mia―which, may I add, is not a fantasy at all―so what's to say he won't tell the entire castle as his next show?"

"Mia and I have it under control. We don't need your involvement in matters the Dark Lord did not assign to you. You'll only get in the way," he said dully, his grey eyes steeling when he scowled at Theodore from across the room.

Theo only glowered bitterly in return. "Unfortunately, I don't give a rip if you want my involvement in this or not. That is not your decision, is it? If you think I'm going to just let my cousin frolic around the place unprotected―"

"Unprotected?" Draco interrupted darkly, "and what exactly can you do to protect her, Nott? What can you offer in regards to safety that enables you to be better than me? You think turning her hair purple is going to keep away all of the wizards out for her neck? Wizards that can preform the Cruciatus Curse better than you can preform Crinus Muto? That's a joke of its own! Childsplay in this war."

He struck a nerve in Theodore, who stepped forward with a shadow of bitterness curtaining his features. "You could never understand the sacrifices I would make for her. You can run yourself dry talking about all that you would do, but at the end of the day, I am the only one in this world who would gladly give my life if it meant she had five more minutes of hers. I suggest stepping back and reevaluating your place next to mine, Malfoy."

"Enough, both of you!"

The exasperated shout came loudly from the side of the room, and both of the boys turned immediately to see that Mia had raised up to show the frustration on her face. Atlas was sitting on the floor now, upset that he was disturbed as well. Not as much as his owner, who―if looks could kill―would have set both boys on fire at the glares she was sending both of them. Unconsciously, their tall frames shrank a few inches underneath her stare.

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