Chapter Thirty: AION

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◤ ❝That is the difference that keeps you from falling out of my shadow and becoming me, my dear Andromeda. You are weak enough to believe in love. I am strong enough to exist without it.❞ ― Tom Riddle◢



March 24, 1997

      "Hey, you think I should tell Theo I like him?"

Andromeda knew that it was a bad decision lingering too long in her dorm room with the other girls. Of course, she knew better than that. She'd roomed with them for nearly seven years, and she had been the victim of one too many 'girl-talks' in those years to have an inkling on how and when to avoid them at all costs. In the moment though, spending time with Tracey, Daphne, and Merlin forbid her wretched soul, Parkinson, sounded like a better decision than having to face the awkward exchange of being in the Room of Requirements at the same time as Draco. So, really, it was her fault. And Theodore's for ditching her to shove his tongue down the throat of her childhood crush.

However, what she was not prepared for was Daphne's question as they all sat on their beds, gossiping back and forth while Mia quietly wrote her portion of the Defense homework she was meant to be turning in with Draco after the Easter holiday (ironically, they weren't the best at partner work in any aspect of their lives). Atlas laid at her feet, every so often twisting around so she could rub his head and lull him back to sleep. She'd noticed that he disappeared more often now at nights than he used to, and while he always came back to her, it made her wonder where he ran off.

She blinked down at her paper for a few seconds, registering what Daphne just asked. "Pardon?"

"It's just...well, I feel like it's becoming rather obvious now that I fancy him―"

Tracey scoffed, plucking another chocolate frog into her mouth at the bed next to her. "Now? Sorry to disappoint but I feel like that broom flew about four years ago after the Valentine's day fiasco. You're as pitiful at hiding your crushes as Mia is―" Mia's hand tightened on her quill, unaware of how much her body froze "―Salazar be damned, I still wonder how Vaisey failed to notice until his last year at Hogwarts."

"At least I know the concept of love unlike your miserable slithering self," Daphne jutted her chin out with offense, glaring across Mia's bed at Tracey with red cheeks. Before her friend could retort, the blonde quickly directed her attention back to Mia. "Well? What do you think, Andromeda? The two of you are thick as thieves, sometimes I'd say you can read his mind... should I say something to him? I was considering mentioning it before we left for the Easter holiday, just to let him think on things... I feel like he may like me, really... he's outgrown that shy self of his recently, and he seems happier, doesn't he? I thought, well...maybe it might be because I started coming to his practices―"

Andromeda knew that something must be wrong with her the moment she actually felt pity for Daphne. A twinge of sadness for her struck in her heart as she listened to her friend talk about Theodore. Knowing that he was actually happy because of her supposed boyfriend, Andrew, made it even more difficult. She shifted uncomfortably in her place on the bed, clearing her throat and wishing earnestly that she had the same lack of compassion as she did in July―when something as stupid as Daphne's crush on Theo would have made her laugh.

"Oh, come off it, Daph," Tracey scoffed. "He avoids you like you have dragon pox. The boy's got as much love for you in his body as Malfoy does for Parkinson."

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