Chapter Twenty-Two: ANANKE

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◤ ❝A liar only breeds more liars.❞ ― Andromeda Erebus◢

+ BONUS TRACK! Atlantis by Seafret



January 5, 1997

                  Their footsteps padded quietly on the floor below them, both accustomed by now on how to hide the sound from Filch and the prefects doing rounds. Draco stayed quiet at her side, and while it was necessary until they reached the seventh floor, she couldn't help but feel the silence in her mind, as well. Neither one of them had been very conversational after dinner with the questions Daphne asked her and Theodore about the winter break (letting out a loud "Oh, Mia! Your hand!" to make all eyes turn to her). All while she was conspiring to kill the blonde in a million different ways, Theo contained her rage long enough for Vaisey to redirect the conversation onto something else. 

Seeing Andrew continue to sit with them instead of his seventh-year friends had been the biggest shock of the night. Andromeda did notice that he no longer sat next to her, but on the opposite side of Theodore between him and Daphne, who was in no way happy to be pushed down one by the Quidditch player, but she excused it for the time being. It stung in its own way, being so close to the boy and knowing that she ruined anything they may have had once before, but Andrew was the best of them and he deserved much more than what she had to offer him.

Mia knew Draco noticed how she spaced out during dinner. His grey eyes would constantly flicker to her, inspecting every movement of her face for an indication on what she was thinking. Usually she would contribute some bit of banter to the conversation, but she had been too quiet. So quiet that it was Theodore, of all people, who bit into some courage and answered questions about their break so that she wouldn't have to. No one knew that the girl was thinking of the talk she would have to have with Draco later that night. Dread had filled up her stomach quicker than the small bits of chicken she ate.

Now, Draco was the one tuned out, his thoughts far away from where he was walking. Mia couldn't help but reflect on it for a second, knowing that if it had been September all over again, he would never have put so much faith in her to be their eyes and ears. He would never allow himself to get carried away and lose focus on his surroundings―but it was January now, and he did. That was why he didn't react in the same way that she did when she heard the loud sounds of unstealthy feet, the grumbling that followed soon after belonging to none other than Filch himself. 

Her first instinct was to glance around, to find the nearest place that they could hide, all while the fool next to her continued to walk with his eyes gazing distantly at his feet. Only when she grabbed his wrist tightly, urging him to walk faster, did he finally wake up from his daydreaming and hear the footsteps as well. He shot her a panicked look, no doubt wondering how they were already threatening to be caught, but he had little time to act on his fears because Mia was already pulling him to their right. 

He realized that they were heading in the direction of the statue of Merlin on the fourth floor, large enough that it could just barely disguise both of their bodies if they were smart about it. Filch's footsteps had gotten louder by now, a harrowing yelp of excitement when he thought he may have heard someone. Draco had already pressed himself deep into the small space behind the statue, shifting around uncomfortably with his tall build.

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