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Prompt: Y/N wakes up to Simon the morning after the Sidemen Book Launch Party.
Warnings: Super fluffy but a small bit of sexual acts are implied. It's literally like one sentence.

I woke up to the feeling of a small amount of weight across my tummy. Blinking my eyes open, I turn my head to the size and realize the weight is Simon's arm wrapped around my petite and bare body. I quietly observe his angelic features as he sleeps, the sunlight coming through from the small crack between the curtains illuminates his features perfectly. My finger glides along his nicely defined jawline and across the bits of stubble on his fair skin before I stop at his chin. He's slowly coming to consciousness when I place my index finger on his thin, pink lips. Simon's sea blue eyes blink open and small groan coming from his closed eyes. He makes eye contact with me and gently grips my wrists, a small smile grows on his face as he gently kisses the pad of my finger.

He moves it from his mouth and laces our hands together. He clears his throat, squeezing my hand before he leans his forehead against my chin. His grip on my waist tightens as he brings my body closer to his. Our size comparison is evident as he engulfs me in a warm hug.

"Good morning, darling." His lips ghost against my ear and he hides his face in my hair. I can hear him breath in my scent, humming in appreciation as he takes in the whiff of strawberry and vanilla.

I lean my head back and peck his lips in greeting. My eyes scan over his naked chest, my fingers slowly grazing down from his collarbones to his abdomen. I can't help but appreciate his lean but muscular body. Gently I press my lips to his chest, playfully nipping his skin with my teeth. A smirk grows on my face as his body shudders from his touch, and I reminisce on the events that took place that night.

"Si, baby. I'm so proud of you, I can't believe you've published a book and accomplished so many things in your life already. I'm so damn happy for you." I explain to my boyfriend of three years as I step out of the black heels I'd worn to the Sidemen Book Launch Party.

It was a fun night and it was such a great feeling to see the boys happy and full of excitement as they released the book they had worked so hard on.

I enjoyed congratulating the boys on the release but I couldn't be happier to be home in Simon's room, congratulating him alone.

I could here his giggle coming from the bathroom as he was stepping out of his pants and unbuttoning his shirt. "Thank you, babygirl. But I couldn't have done all these things with out you and the boys by my side. I owe you some credit as well." Simon steps out of the bathroom in only his boxers with his white button up hanging from loosely from his body. He comes behind me and moves all of my hair to one side. His long fingers grip the zipper of my plain black dress and the satin fabric falls off my body and pools at my feet.

I look up in the mirror and meet the loving gaze of Simon. His arms are snaked around my waist and he gives me a loving squeeze. He presses his lips to the nape of my neck and kisses his way up to my ear. His tongue lightly touched the tip of my ear and suddenly he reaches his hand up to my face and uses to fingers to tilt my face towards his. We make eye contact and I start to miss his blue irises when his eyes flutter shut but I'm soon satisfied with the feeling of his lips against mine. Moments later were in between the sheets, both of us a moaning and gasping mess.

"I really am proud of you Simon." My legs find their way between his and I can't help but bring my hand up to caress his cheeks.

Simon smiles widely, tilting his head into my touch while mewling at the pleasing sensation. "In all honesty babe, I don't think I could have done it with out you by my side. You're like my little cheerleader, always there for me no matter the circumstance. I'm lucky to have you, don't know what'd I do with out you. And I never want to experience things without you by my side. You're stuck with me."

"You're such a cheeseball." I say, shaking my head with a small amount of amusement. And I can't help but be happy about the thought of being stuck by Simon's side.

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