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The Shard was lit up and filled with people. It was mostly close friends of the Sidemen as they were hosting the party and other Youtubers ranging from Joe Weller to Caspar Lee. 

You yourself were also a Youtuber and were a very close friend to the Sidemen. They were practically your older brothers and you'd featured in many of their videos. 

Out of all the Sidemen you were closest to Vik.  When filming football challenges you both bonded over how shit you were at the sport and you both enjoyed playing Minecraft together. 

Over the years of getting to know the Sidemen and spending time with Vik, you slowly but surely developed feelings.  All of the guys knew you liked him but Vik didn't see the signs.  And you, didn't know he felt mutual feelings.  The boys constantly teased the two of you and you always fell victims to the wrath of Cards Against Humanity.  The fans created cards that roasted your clear feelings for each other and always went the extra mile to make the two of you feel uncomfortable while playing the game. 

"Oi, Y/N! C'mere were taking shots!" A drunken JJ shouted over the volume of the music, clearly having taken one-too-many shots already.  You shook your head as you made your way over, greetings came from the rest of the Sidemen and their girlfriends before you were passed a shot.  After taking the shot you scrunched your face up in digest as the liquor burned the back of your throat. 

Vik's giggle sounded and you blinked your eyes open at his happy expression. "Too strong for you?"

"Not anything I can't handle." You bit back with a teasing wink.

He could only smile and nod his head.  His eyes scanned over your body and he handed you a drink.  "You look really pretty tonight.  Not that you don't always look pretty, it's just you look extra pretty tonight.." Vik trailed off awkwardly, his eyes falling down to his shoes. 

You rested your hand on his shoulder, thanking him with a kind smile.  JJ interrupted, however, with a loud scream as he let everyone now the count down to the New Year was about to start.

You stood shoulder to shoulder by Vik, watching your friends frantically run and find someone to kiss. Vik opened his mouth and a rush of words came from his mouth.

He nervously moved his hands as he stuttered over himself.  "Look, I know I'm really awkward and a Minecraft nerd but there's been something I wanted to tell you and I figured why not do it now.  I just, after spending all this time with you, filming, gaming, and just hanging out, I really started to enjoy talking to you and just being your friend."

Suddenly the countdown from 10 sounded off but Vik still had more to say. 

"The longer we stayed friends the more I realized I wanted to be more than just your friend."


"I'm not really a sappy kind of guy but I just..."


"I really like you Y/N."


He paused for a bit.

"And I wanted to know if you'd be my girlfriend."


Elated with the news that Vik's feelings were mutual and it was the start of a new year, you crashed your lips onto his.  In a frenzy of cheers, applause, and confetti cannons popping, you pulled away from Vik.  Grins were decorated on both of your faces and nothing but happiness oozed from you.

Vik bit his lip shyly before reaching his hand out to play with your hair as he waited for your answer.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Vik." 

He let out an adorable shot of triumph before wrapping you in a hug and pulling you in for another kiss.  Hoots and hollers filled the room and teasing awh's could be heard as well.

"Oi Vikkstar! Finally pulling his girl!"  Calfreezy shouted to only cause another loud roar of teasing and laughter.

The new couple pulled away from the kiss and their cheeks were tainted red from slight embarrassment.  Nonetheless, they were happy to start 2017 off right, as a new and happy couple.


Not one of my best works since I've been having a bit of writers block, but I just wanted to get an imagine up since I haven't posted one in a little while.  I hope you enjoy it and please leave me a few requests as it will help me come up with things to write. Thank you!

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