Chapter 5

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A/N: I was definitely...not expecting 600 reads. So um... I decided to upload earlier than expected ^^" enjoy. 

Chapter 5: Jealousy, A girl, and a Makeover

Chip's POV

Ever since I saw the other side of Xander—I really began to doubt my taste in men.

Before I knew it, he was there every other weekday afternoon. What was he doing, you ask?


To Rose, Gretel, and Coco, he was the definition of sweetie. And to me, a pain in the ass.

“Xander! Good work today, would you like something to drink? Or maybe anything to eat?” Gretel asked eagerly as the tall boy entered the bakery.

Good work? ‘Good work’ you say? I glared at my sister. What in the world has he done to deserve that phrase?!

As usual, I was kneading dough at the back of the kitchen, working my head off after school—and this guy comes in and what does he get? Some special treatment.

I eyed my sister narrowly, squeezing the bread dough to work the yeast into it.

“Hmm,” Xander leaned across the counter in his usual, suave stance. “I would like a cup of…”

Gretel’s eyes sparkled with anticipation.

“You,” He winked. Gretel squealed, pinching Xander’s cheek in an embarrassing manner.

“Oh you naughty boy,” She grinned like a maniac, pulling and pinching the customer’s cheeks.

I huffed, kneading the dough slightly harder than I should be.

Xander winced, but didn’t pull away.

He sure knew how to get into Gretel’s good books.

“Well?” Xander asked lightly, flashing a crooked smile.

My sister played along. “I’m sorry Sir, we don’t sell cups of me here, how about some cupcakes?”

Xander raised his eyebrows. “Reminds me—I ordered some the other day…”

I thought I saw his eyes glance in my direction for a second.

“You did?” Gretel shuffled over to the drawer, fishing out the notebook of orders, she began to flip through.

“Oh yeah, here it is…oh my, it’s supposed to be done today! Hold on a mo’,” She waltzed into the kitchen.

“Chippie~ where’s our dear customer’s cupcakes?” She asked fleetingly, checking her nails while doing so.

I pouted and gestured to the dough, “can’t you see I’m busy, dear sister?”

“Oh yes, I absolutely can,” Gretel said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “Well…” she lowered her voice, “no hurry, I’ll just be keeping Xander busy,” She giggled to herself, then escaped into the bakery.

See what I mean by pain in the ass? He makes my sisters go gaga.

Abandoning the dough, I went over to the 4 valrhona chocolate cupcakes cooling by the racks and began piping the raspberry icing.

Swirl, dip. Swirl, dip. Swirl, dip. The process was pretty simple and in a couple of seconds, I was done. But it was missing something.

Rummaging through the fridge, I grabbed a ball of red marzipan and began rolling it out.

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