Valentine's Special

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A/N: Hi guys! It's Valentine's Day next Friday~! Hooray--NOT. I just want you guys to know that just because you don't have anyone special to spend Valentine's with, doesn't mean that your life is gone. SEXY, FREE! & SINGLE ;) Enjoy. 

P.S I dedicate this to yaoigodess01, for always, always telling me how to improve. The previous chapter 5 dedicated to her was just not good enough :3

Baked Love Valentine’s Special 

Once upon a time, there lived a small bunny named Chip. Together with his family of seven, they lived in a small cottage perched atop a humble little hill in the middle of the forest.

The Honeycutt bunnies were very happy with their quiet lifestyle, but not until one day, when the second youngest bunny, Chip, decided to go on an adventure.

An adventure in search for the Fruit of Happiness.  

The family of seven were very worried for their little bunny, but they couldn’t seem to find a way to persuade him out of it. However, at that point of time, little Chip had done much research on this fruit, and was very determined to find it—and in turn, claim his right to happiness.

And so, bidding his family goodbye, the young, fluffy bunny made his way up North, searching for the precious fruit. With a basket filled with supplies in his hand, he hopped in his set direction, wondering what new adventures he will face in the outside world.

Even though Chip was quite doubtful of the strange idea—wandering in an unknown place to search for something so rare and tiny, he was determined to do so.

He wanting nothing more than to live a life filled with happiness.  

And so began his journey to the North.



Hop Hop Hop

Chip peeked under a rock, searching for the herb.   (A/N He’s a bunny for heaven’s sake, he doesn’t know where fruits grow. On trees—wait. Watermelons grow on the ground. R-Right…?)

Little did he know, the sun was already beginning to set over the horizon, the sky colored in a magical hue of red as he continued his search regardless.

Almost three days have passed since the bunny’s departure, and he had yet to find a hint of the rare fruit through his journey up North.

Chip was beginning to lose hope, wondering if he’d ever find the Fruit of Happiness. The supplies in his rattan basket had begun to run out—what with a couple of cherry tomatoes and baby carrots left, he could only search around for fruits.

Even so, a variety of fruits hung delicious on the branches of trees, out of Chip’s reach. The berries he’d seen in the bushes had strange yellow spots on it. None of them were the amazing fruit he was searching for.

Soon—after a fruitless, exhausting day, the bunny decided to seek shelter in a nearby cave.

In all truth, Chip was very afraid of the dark. But he told himself that he could do this. Just a few hours till daylight. And then he could rid of the frightening howls and calls of the wolves nearby.

As Chip settled into a nook of the cave by night, he began to think about his family at home, and soon enough, he fell asleep.

Baked LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora