Baked Love Character Q&A

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Hi guys! I hope the Wattpad app is okay now!

Most of these questions are taken from comments by my readers or private messages! :D Thank you so much for your participation~ <3

Baked Love Character Q&A!

*Hops into interview room with Chip and Xander*

Cuppie: Gooooood mornin’ everybody! Today we’re—

Xander: It might not be morning for them.

Cuppie: *jumps* B-But… Okay… T-T I meant um…Good day everyone, well uh…let’s get on with the interview…shall…we…? *recoils from Xander’s glare*

How old are you?

Xander: Seventeen. Eighteen in July.  

Chip: Sweet Sixteen! *smiles brightly*

Birthday? Horoscope?

Xander: June 23rd. Dunno, don’t care.

Cuppie: *shoots murderous glare that does not look entirely murderous*

Chip: The 6th of September! Um…I think it’s Virgo *blushes*

Height? (Weird question but oh well XD)

Xander: Exact 6’ *smirks*

Chip: *stammers* 5…5’18. B-But if you round up it’s actually 5’2 so technically I’m not 5’18 and I’m not th-that short but maybe I am but I think it’s still okay because K-Kim is…*starts rambling due to nervousness*

Cuppie: (Sigh he’s too cute)

Hmm, a question for Xander! Do you have something deeper that happened in the past—wait hold on I’m supposed to answer that in my story! D: Well um…guess I can’t reveal it yet my dear, I’m sorry ^-^”

Moving on, favorite hobbies!

Chip: Ah! *brightens up* This one seems easy—W-Well, I like reading a lot, although I don’t really have enough money to buy the books so I have to borrow them…A-and I like to bake, of course, I mean, I work in a bakery…*laughs sheepishly* I like to eat sweet things and um…I like to…walk…? I guess…

Cuppie: Ahhh, I see. That is rather typical of Chip ne. So how about Xan—

Chip: Oh! *light bulb flashing above his head* I also love to take baths! It keeps me clean and I feel happy after them and…and…*suddenly remembers about the bathroom encounter with the person beside him* Uwa…*blushes hard* N-Nevermind…

Cuppie: *dies from excessive nosebleed*

Xander: Go on, please continue baby angel. *smirks*

Chip: *startled, blushes even harder* I-It’s nothing really, please go ahead! I-I’ll just… be quiet…

Xander: *tries to hide his ridiculously cocky smirk*


Xander: Ow! Okay—okay, I’ll continue, chill, Cupcake. *clears throat* My hobbies are: thinking about Chip, having perverted thoughts about Chip, teasing Chip—

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