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So there was some sort of glitch on wattpad, where no one got a notification about the chapter being posted. So I am reuploading it because I'm petty and like when people see my story! I love you guys so much.


"You're lying. You're just trying to scare me."

"Wish I was, sugar. But I'm not."

"That'll never happen to me."

Chapter Ten

It would never happen to me, because I had my escape plan. Dominic had to go to his pack house for a meeting, which left me alone for over an hour. I didn't pack anything. I didn't keep my phone or computer. All I had was the clothes on my back and a pair of boots, plus a few big bills for transportation when I found a safe place to switch to a car or bus.

"Cara, come down here, please!" Dominic called up the stairs.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, stomping down to where he waited for me. "Yes?" I grumped.

"I want a kiss goodbye."


He growled. "Kiss me goodbye, Caroline."

"I said no."

"If you don't come down here and give me a real kiss, I will handcuff you to the bed. Is that what you want? You like being tied up?" He threatened.

With a snort of disgust, I jumped down the last few steps and forced myself to kiss him. He deepened the kiss right away, his tongue forcing its way in my mouth. I ripped away from him, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "You're sick!"

"I'll miss you too. See you soon. Don't make too much of a mess, okay?" He said, leaning forward and sponging a few light kisses on his mark. "Bye, baby."

I glared at his back, watching as he left the house and climbed into his car. What a dickwad.

I waited ten minutes to make sure he wasn't coming back, before stepping out of the house.

"Get back inside, highness," a bored voice said, unamused.

I looked over in surprise, finding Andrew leaning against the house. "What are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"To check on you, of course. I was going to bring Alfie, but I wanted to have a private conversation with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows as he patted the grass beside him. With a sigh, I fell beside him, holding my knees to my chest.

"You need to give this a chance, kid," he said simply.

I rolled my eyes. "Right. Because it's me who has to do the sacrificing, not ever the one who created all this trouble," I snorted. "Dominic needs to get it through his head-"

"He's obsessed with you, Cara. You're all he talks about."

"He's cruel and mean and a pain in the butt!" I cried. "He isn't doing this because he wants me - he's doing it to torture me. He couldn't care less about my well-being."

Andrew shook his head in amazement. "You're blind. I've never seen him go soft for anyone. You should see how he looks at you when you're not looking at him. When he saw your pictures on Alfie's phone that first night, his eyes lit up. I'm not saying he's mushy or in love, but he wants you and does care about you. He just hasn't learned how to show it yet," he explained. "You know what he asked me the next morning while you slept in his bed?"

I shook my head, intrigued now. "He asked me if the color of his bedroom would be okay for you."

This made me laugh, genuinely laugh. "You are joking."

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