Thirty One

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Gif: not what I think Dominic looks like, but I feel he carries this expression most of the time. That over-confident buttmunch 

What do you think of the new cover?! I think it is very pretty. It is beautifully simplistic, which is my favorite and I 100% believe less is more and the talented girl who made it definitely captured that in the cover. It was done by daisiesxflowers . She did it on her own, without me having to ask, which is like such a big honor to me so once again, thank you so much! If you guys are ever looking for book covers for your own stories, definitely check her out because her other work is great! 

Hey, guys! Happy Holidays! 

Have any of you guys' had your college finals yet? How did they go? Or if you're in high school and had finals, how about those too? I think I might be getting out of this college semester with a 4.0! 

This is somewhat of a filler chapter, but it's kinda cute, I think. 

Chapter Thirty One

 C A R O L I N E 

Being the stubborn yet terrified of sexual encounters girl that I am, I didn't get on the bed or take off my top. Not to be mean or bratty to Dominic, but I truly didn't want to play games with him like this.

"Dominic, I think I'm starting to feel better now. I'm just going to go downstairs and make breakfast. What do you want?" I asked, hoping to get him to move onto another subject.

The bathroom door opened, but I didn't look over. Instead, I strolled with a facade of confidence towards the door out of the bedroom. Dom didn't let me make it that far though. His hands gently caught my hips, making me stop as he bowed his head into the side of my neck that bore his mark. "Sugar, am I scaring you?" he hummed.

Turning around to face him, I frowned. "No. I told you, I'm really not in the mood to battle your sexual advances right now."

His fingers slipped under my shirt, brushing against my skin gently until he reached the front of my stomach, his palm hovering over the exact spot that my cramps were the worst. Our eyes met and I gave a sheepish smile. "We can feel your pain, sugar. And I told you earlier I'm not going to anything sexual. But you keep bringing it up," he added with a little teasing smile. "Lay down, Caroline."

Without letting me move myself, Dominic turned the two of us around and backed me up until my legs hit the bed. I expected him to roughly shove me down, so I grasped his shirt tightly and narrowed my eyes up at him. The Shifter rolled his eyes at me before kissing the corner of my mouth softly, distracting me just enough to slowly lower me back onto the mattress. He set one knee on the bed and hovered over me, causing my stomach to flip.

This felt sexual. Definitely. I hated myself for how much it frightened me. There was something about the intimacy of it that made me want to run. "Caroline," Dominic hummed, blowing lightly on my face, his minty breath making me open my eyes. I hadn't realized that I had my lids squeezed shut in my discomfort. "What are you so afraid of, sweetheart?"

"I dunno. I just am."

"You're afraid of getting close to people because it increases the pain you may feel if they leave you," Dominic answered, one of his hands stroking my hair over the crown of my head as he trailed soft, feather-like kisses from my temple to my ear. "I'm yours, Caroline. All that I am belongs to you now. I am the one here that is more likely to get hurt, to be left."

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