Twenty One

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Hello! In honor of Easter and the fact that this book hit 100k reads, I decided to upload the next chapter! 

For those of you who don't celebrate Easter or any of the "Christian" holidays or whatever, I hope you had a good Sunday and were able to relax and rejuvenate for the week ahead. 

 I love you guys lots and your support for my books means the world to me. I cannot believe so many of you like this story, though it is the one I am most proud of by far. My newest werewolf story, Hideout(coming soon), is up there too. If you haven't checked that out yet already, I'd appreciate it greatly. It won't be updated until one of my other stories is completed or deleted. But an excerpt and the first chapter is up. No pressure though! 

Anyways, thank you so much for 100k. It meant the world to me. I hope I can continue to live up to your expectations. 

Please keep commenting! I love reading them and lately, my comment rates have lowered a bit. 

Alright, back to Dominic, Caroline, and their struggle to fit into each other's lives. 


Chapter Twenty One


"How are things going there?" I asked Andrew. A couple days had passed since the emotional breakdown that Caroline had and her mood hadn't improved. Plus she wasn't eating very much, which was starting to concern me. I didn't want to use force or have to scare her into eating, but I would if it meant keeping her healthy.

"Things are going as well as can be expected, if not a little better. No one has been outrightly homophobic to us yet, which is a good sign," Andrew said with a laugh. "Though Alf is having trouble fitting in. He hasn't made any friends yet."

I sighed, looking to where Caroline was laying on the couch in the office, plugged into her music and reading. "That sounds familiar," I mumbled.

"Yeah? What is the little Caroline up to since we've been gone?" Andrew asked.

"She actually tried to make an effort once with some of the girls in the pack at a breakfast, but the women did not respond well. Since then, she's been really out of sorts. Still blames herself for everything that went down with Alfie," I explained. "I set the date for the Mating ceremony and that has been a big problem as of late as well."

Andrew chuckled. "Oh, I bet. When is the date?"

"Twelve days from now," I answered.

He whistled slowly. "Man, no wonder she's upset. Alf and I haven't even spoken about that yet. That is definitely rushing it."

"Who's that?" Caroline asked curiously.

"It's Andrew," I mouthed.

Her expression wavered slightly and I knew exactly who she was thinking about. "How's Alfie?" she tested, voice soft.

I smiled gently at her, motioning for her to come here. She unplugged her headphones and dog-eared the page she was on before padding over to me. "Andrew, I'm going to give the phone to Caroline, she wants to say hi," I informed him.

"Hi, Andrew," Caroline greeted. "How are you?"

She was quiet for a few moments before her body tensed up. I reached out to wrap an arm around her waist, but Caroline put a hand over her other ear and took a step away. "A-Alf?"

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