?Secrets Revealed?

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"So, why did you want me to meet you?" I was currently at the school's gym. Classes were over, and I had told the Mukami brothers that I would be staying late to do school work, and for them to go on without me.

The truth was, I received a note, saying to meet at the end of school, in the gym.

Turns out, the person that wanted me to meet was the girl that I almost killed.
She turned around and smirked.

"Ara, I didn't think you actually come, Himeko." Though the accident was yesterday, her neck was fine. Not a single scratch.

"It really is you..Right, Na-na?" my words full of venom and hate.

"So smart of you, to recognize me so easily, even though I changed everything." Nana said while twirling a strand of fake blond hair.

"Not everything. You still have that bitchy attitude." I remark, crossing my arms on my chest.

"Must you always hate me? I thought we were childhood friends." Nana said acting all innocent.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I hiss at her. Though she only smiles, seeing my disliking toward her.

"I just wanted to say something."

"Make it quick." I said while shooting her a death glare. Nana's innocent face disappears and is replaced by a scornful look.

"You better watch what your doing, or else the Mukamis will turn out like Te-ma-ri.." Nana said while sounding out Temari's name slowly, making my body tense in discomfort.

"What do you mean?" My voice vibrating with suspiciousness.

"Fufufu...." Nana said while waking toward me. She stopped right in front of me, grabbing my collar roughly. "It means, that I've had my eye on them, and I won't let you interfere." She hissed in my ear.

I push her away roughly. "Why did you always hate me?" I say, my head down, and my hands curled into fist.

"You had everything. Everything. While I was just someone that was supposed to keep you company, you had everything you desired. I hated you from the very beginning. Too bad everyone believes that your the reason for Temari's death."

I grabbed her by her collar, shaking her. "It was you! You killed her and stole her blood power! And then you lied to everyone!"

"Yeah, but who's the one that let her die? Face it. You could have saved her, but you didn't. So, it is your fault." Nana said while smirking.

That froze me. She was right. I could have saved Temari. But I didn't. I let her die.

"Oh, and by the way, it's not Nana anymore. It's Temari." She said while smirking and walking away.

She didn't even have the right to use my sister's name!

Hot, angry tears welled up in my eyes. Dripping down my face and to the ground. There was so much anger.

'It was her fault that Temari died, but it was also my fault that I didn't save her..'


The four Mukami brother were already halfway home, silence echoing in the limo. Finally Kou spoke up.

"So, Ruki-chan, why didn't you tell Hime-chan that we were vampires?"

"We're not supposed to be Adam. But despite that, "that person" sent the real Eve to us." Ruki said with a sigh, closing his book.

"I heard that Himeko-sama broke someone's neck yesterday......" Azusa said in his usual timid voice, looking at Ruki. Now everyone's attention was on Ruki, expecting him to answer.

In fact, the whole story spread through the school in a matter of seconds, and everyone had different versions of what happened.

Ruki just sighed and turned away.

"But, Hime-chan smells so sweet. It's so hard not to suck her dry." Kou said in his peppy voice.

It was true, Himeko's scent was 10x stronger than Yui's. When she first entered the mansion, they almost chocked on her sweet smell.

They didn't know why "that person" gave her to them. But they didn't want to lose to those Sakamakis.


I took a cab back toward the mansion. After I calmed down a bit, I went to the restroom to clean my tears off. By the time I came back, it was way past midnight, and since it was dangerous walking alone at night, I decided to take a cab.

Nana, was human. If she didn't take Temari's blood power, then she would be dead by now. Even though she had royal blood power, it rejected her. I could tell. She didn't have any supernatural powers like me, but was practically, almost immortal. I could kill her, but the process would probably kill me too.

She had her eye on the Mukamis? Though she probably knows there vampires too. I still don't get why they didn't tell me they're vampires. After a few days, I had realized why I was sent to their household. I was the Eve.

I've only heard very little about the Adam and Eve plan, but weren't they supposed to suck my blood? I mean they're vampires, but it's not like I want my blood sucked. But there was no choice, this cursed blood I had running through my veins, could sense if a vampire was near.

Those Sakamakis, they're vampires too... Maybe that's why Ruki didn't want me to be with them...

The cab stopped at the front of the mansion, I paid the driver before walking toward the front door.

'Why would they hide the fact that there vampires?'

I opened the door to see them all in the living room, acting casual. Ruki reading a book, Kou teasing Yuma, and Azusa sharpening his knives. I walked forward toward them, until I was only a couple feet away. They noticed me, and looked up from their doings.

"Oh, Hime-chan, you came so late~" Kou pouted.

"How long did you think you could keep it a secret?" I barely said above a whisper, though I knew they could hear me loud and clear.

"What are you talking about Hime-chan? We would never lie to you." Kou said. If I hadn't already knew the truth, I would have believed him.

"Himeko-sama, are you not feeling well?" Azusa asked in his timid voice.

"Stop lying...... I know your vampires." I said, looking them dead in the eye.


'How long did you think you can keep it a secret?'



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