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Temari laid on her back, staring mindlessly at the white ceiling. Her medium sized apartment only consisted two rooms, a living room, a bedroom, a small kitchen, and two bathrooms.

She was exhausted. She even skipped school, like most days.

9:46 PM

Even when she got up from her bed at the slowest pace she could manage, her brain still got a huge migraine and it made her fall to the carpet in a daze.

'It's getting worse by the second' Temari thought as she leaned her back on the bed.

Using all her willpower and remaining energy left, she made her way to the full length mirror. Though when she got there, her legs turned to jello and she sank to the ground.

She leaned a bit forward and touched the mirror. It rippled like clear spring water and started to show several images.

Whenever she watched these, it helped her calm down.

A scene took place instead of her own reflection.

A girl, about 8, with midnight black hair that went to her elbows and icy blue eyes that had specks of green and gold. Her fair skin matched the bloody red flower she wore on her hair.

Her name was Nanami. She didn't have a last name because she came from a poor, servant family.

But never less, she was happy. Besides her was a younger, smaller version of her, but instead of blue eyes, the younger one had full evergreen eyes.

The image rippled and it showed the same girl again, but she was crying, and the smaller version of her was being pulled back by men in black hoods, while two middle age parents stood at the side, crying their eyes out, and looking away.

Next, it showed the same girl, this time, 9 years old. She was being introduced to siblings who were descents of "royalty". Not that she cared.

She hated the older sister. Not because she was rich and had just about everything, no it was because she took something that was originally hers.

The image changed to when she was 10 years old, and the 9 year old girl was in front of her. An unseen body of a child was in the middle of both them.
The 9 year old was a bit father than the child and Nanami though. And her eyes widen in fear and shock as the child's life essence poured out of her into a small sphere of blooming red.

The image on the mirror faded as Temari sucked in her breath and turned away in disgust. She could never bare to watch the ending, the only part she really enjoyed was the beginning.

The mirror returned to its normal surface, reflecting everything around it. Temari turned to the mirror, staring at a girl with waist length blonde hair and grey eyes. She then tapped her wrist three times while closing her eyes tightly, and a new reflection appeared on the mirror.

A girl around 18 with raven black hair that reached her mid thigh and the same icy blue eyes with specks of gold and green. She sighed. Since she had forbidden blood that didn't even belong to her in the first place, it kept rejecting her body and the only way to survive was to create a new body to preserve her old one. But every 5 days, the new body would decay and she would be forced to stay in her original body, until she could muster up the strength to make a new one. Which usually took 2-3 days max.

"Heh, she's staying with the Sakamakis now...huh?" It's not like she cared about some vampires, much less any.

She already told Himeko to stay away from those four, but it looks like she went and decide to be the Eve. She didn't even care whether Himeko became the Eve or what not. She didn't even care about anything these days.

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