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The Mothman is a manlike creature creature with a 10-foot wingspan and huge red eyes

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The Mothman is a manlike creature creature with a 10-foot wingspan and huge red eyes. He was a worker who who was severely injured at a chemical plant in West Virginia. Instead of dying from his injuries, he mutated into a giant moth. He haunts remote country roads, especially dead ends where lovers go to park.

Most kids around Point Pleasant, West Virginia know better than to stray into Mothman territory. But there are always a few skeptics. On such kid, a high school football star, scoffed at the Mothman stories and drove his girlfriend to a secluded spot off a country road. Just as the boy started to make his move, his girlfriend saw a large shadow pass over the car.

"It's him," she screamed. "Let's get out of here."

"It was probably just a hawk. Take it easy."He kissed her, and she relaxed a bit. But then there was a thump on the roof of the car.

"Please. Pleeeeease. Let's go."

"Why? Because some dead branch fell out of a tree? Come on. We finally have time to ourselves."

The guy put his arm around the girlfriend. There were scratching sounds on the roof of the car. The girl began to scream.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I'll go take a look. But you're going to feel really stupid when I show you it's just a few branches."

"No! Don't go outside. Just drive me home. I want to go home. Right now."

"I'll be back in a minute. Lock the doors if it makes you feel better."

As the girl locked the car doors, she heard one final thump on the car roof, as if something heavy had been dropped on it. And then, nothing.

A minute passed. Then several more. The guy did not return, and it was deathly quiet outside the car. The girl was on the verge of panic. She didn't have the keys to drive away, and she didn't have the courage to get out of the car herself. She didn't know what to do, so she leaned on the car horn.

Out on the country road, a state trooper heard the car horn and followed the sound to the dead end where he saw the car.

The trooper came up to the car on the passenger side and motioned to the girl to roll down her window. Before she could say anything, he told her, "Miss, you need to stay in the car until I can get some help."

But the girl would not stay inside. When she stepped out, she saw her boyfriend sprawled atop the roof of the car. Someone, something, had ripped open his chest and eaten his heart. 

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