Chapter 14

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SOME SAY THAT a person wouldn't know the true meaning of fear until they stood at death's door. Devora, who was in a very close position, knew with every inch of her body that the word 'fear' couldn't even begin to describe the feeling she felt.

It pulled and played with her emotions, sending distorted versions of reality for her to view. Her brain had concocted possible scenarios the next few minutes could play out, all ending with her eyes glossed over and her heart stilled. Each and every vision she went through in her head only caused her to perspire in cold sweat. Her skin had long gotten sticky, gleaming with a sheen of perspiration that coated her and drenched her clothes. Even though the room wasn't anywhere near warm, she couldn't stop her body from reacting this way. The world before her eyes seemed to shift and curve, her breath heavy. It was starting to get difficult to breathe with how her lungs couldn't seem to retain the oxygen she desperately inhaled. Every second in the room only dragged on to last a minute, making a whole minute feel like an hour in the pits of Tartarus. If it weren't for Nathan's hands which held her steady, she would've already long collapsed to her knees.

The man seated right in front of them still dwelled in the shadows. Around him, the wisps of black seemed like an aura of evil that enveloped his entire body, staining the walls and polluting the very air in the room. His very presence was enough to send chilling shivers down each fraction of her rigid spine. Slowly, he got up to his feet, pushing away from the table. He took a few steps forward with long strides, walking with purpose. His polished black leather shoes hit against the carpeted floor lightly, merely kissing it and giving the illusion that he was floating above the layers of fiber and silk like a skater on ice.

"That's Julius Cain," Nathan whispered into Devora's ear from where he stood behind her. Leah and Travis, who both stood right next to her, didn't even flinch, seemingly unaware Nathan had spoken. "He is the highest leading authority within this organization. In other words, he's my boss."

With hands tucked into the pockets of his pants, Julius Cain seemed as relaxed as ever. He stepped out of the shadows and into the light, allowing the sun outside to illuminate his features, showcasing a dazzling smile that would've been charismatic if it hadn't been for all those notorious stories Devora had overheard about him. Despite the constant waves of charm that practically radiated from the man, Devora knew better than to forget that Julius Cain was the physical embodiment of death itself. Even with a handsome grin, the man still took lives for a living.

"Welcome," the man greeted, stretching his arms out as if to welcome the four teenagers. He stopped right in front of the sofas, allowing the sliver of light to brighten his expression and bring it into view.

From by her side, Leah and Travis both gasped sharply in surprise. Devora, too, almost couldn't keep her lips glued shut. Julius Cain was a force of nature. He was surely well in his mid-thirties but the man aged like fine wine. He was blessed with beauty that only got better as the years went on, his appearance godly and attractive. In fact, most actors in Hollywood couldn't even begin to compare with him. Not only was his jawline sharp, but his face was also perfectly symmetrical with clear eyes and a dazzling grin that could melt hearts.

However, there was something in his smile that set him apart from the actors and models of Hollywood. Julius Cain grinned as though he was a grim reaper about to send wretched souls to meet the blazing fires of hell. It was nefarious.

"I see that you've taken your own sweet time in reporting, Nathaniel." Casually, Julius Cain slipped his hands into the pockets of his dark coat once more, tilting his chin up ever so slightly as he waited for Nathan's answer.

Called upon, the younger man stepped forward. He shifted his body so that he shielded Devora from Julius Cain's direct gaze, protectively keeping her out of sight. "There were some complications, sir."

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