Chapter 4

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2 years later

"Dean. I wouldn't if I were you." I warn him. Currently we were in a bar because we were totally overage and he was playing a game of poker. And the money he was using? The money that John gave us in order to get food. That's kind of important.

"Ell, would you calm down? It'll be fine." He tells me and I scoff. It wouldn't be fine. He's lost the last 3 rounds and on his last hand and I knew for a fact, he was about to lose and then we'd have no money but the little asshole didn't care about that at all. 

Then he folded and put down his cards with a smirk on his face, thinking he'd won but he'd lost and I knew, that was about to happen so, I walk out. Leaving Dean there to sit and think about what his father would now do when he found out that he'd lost the money in game he shouldn't have been playing in a place that he shouldn't have been.

"Ell! Ellie! Wait up!" He shouts and I stop and whip around. Clear anger on my face.

"Don't you dare talk to me. What now huh? We have zip money and its not like we can tell John what just happened. I told you not to play and if you weren't so damn arrogant and cocky, then this wouldn't have happened." I scold and he scoffs at me.

"What? So you knew that I was going to lose or you thought I was going to lose?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Both." Then I walk off to the motel, leaving him behind me.

Upon arrival to our room, I open the door with my key, grab my MP3 and put my earbuds in. Not bothering to explain to Sam on what had happened or even say hi. The best bit about storming off is that Dean didn't come back which meant peace and quiet. Until there was a knock on the door.

"Sam, can you get that?" I ask him and he nods before walking over to it but, it was for me anyway.

"Ellie. Its for you." He tells me and I sit up and take my earbuds out and pause my music before walking over but I stopped dead in my tracks.

Standing there, were 2 police officers and they didn't look pissed but were expressionless. After my moment of shock, I told myself to walk and I did. Straight to the door.

"What can I do for you officers?" I ask them and they look at me.

"Are you Dean Winchester's sister? Ellie Winchester?" They ask me and I swallow. I wasn't but that was always the cover if people, like the cops, asked. It was just easier that way.

"Uh yeah. I am. Is everything OK?" I ask them and they shake their heads.

"Your brother," They stop mid sentence and look to Sam who was a little curious as to what was going on.

"We should probably talk outside." I mention and they nod then allow me to go outside by stepping back.

"Your brother, Dean was caught shoplifting. Bread and peanut butter. We were wondering if you had the contact for your father." I mentally laugh at the items Dean was trying to steal. He was being arrested for trying to steal bread and peanut butter? Is this a joke? 

"Uh yes, I do. I can give it to you." I say to them and they nod. I quickly walk inside and grab my phone before calling John. Just to give him the heads up.

"Ell? Is everything OK?" He asks me. A little worried.

"Uh yeah and no. The cops are here because of Dean. I'll let you talk to them." I say to him then pass one of them the phone. 

"Yes sir... sir? Are you sure?" But then he pulls the phone away from his ear and my best guess was that John hung up on him.

"Well, your brother is too young to put in a holding cell and your dad said he could rot in jail. We're sorry but you most likely won't be seeing him for a while." They tell me and I nod.

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