Chapter 10

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Hey SPN family,

Just before I start off this chapter, I would just like to point out the a. I'm already up to chapter 10 and haven't even gotten to the start of season 1 yet and b. I have decided that this book will have a sequel because of the mentioned reason. Hope you are all happy as I am to.

Over the past year Sam has settled in nicely, even has a girlfriend. A girl named Jess, despite how much Jordy likes him, she knows that she won't ever have a shot at him and she's accepted that. He knows it to and now every now and again, we would bag her out.

As for me and Jake? Well I tried to leave and tell him it was over but he wouldn't let me leave and to make matters worse, he won't let me leave to go hunting unless I tell him the reason and that's something that I am not doing unless its vital that I have to leave.

"Dean I need your help." I plead to him. I had just called, freaked out and upset that I am currently on house arrest. So much so, that I was almost in tears. And Dean knew it to.

"Ellie? What's wrong? What happened?" He asks me, suddenly panicked and quite worried.

"Its Jake. He won't let me leave and-"

"And that's why you keep giving me and dad hunts?"

"Exactly." I sniffle and I hear him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Look, are you able to leave the house?"

"No. I'm on house arrest."

"Still the same address?" One thing I hadn't mentioned was that Dean had visited a few times and it was few too many for Jake's liking. Probably one of the reasons that I am in my current situation.


"OK. See you in a few."

"Where are you?"


"Of course you are. See you soon."

"Yeah. Bye." I hang up the phone and release a deep sigh. I was bored and needed to talk to someone so I called Dean. We hadn't just started talking, we were talking about five minutes prior to me asking him for help but, it was eating away at my mind to the point that I just had to release those words.

I found it ironic that even though I have graduated from school and am now 25 years old, I haven't moved, despite the amount of people who have told me that I should. Have a change of scenery. I blaming Sam.

"You still here?" I hear Jake shout and my eyes widen. He was supposed to be away on a business trip and he was... coming back today.

"Shit." I whisper. Then realise he asked me a question. "Yeah!" I shout back and he walks into the room and I sigh.

This is when I hate being at home and being a girl because when you're bored you tell yourself that you're going to do housework and that's exactly what you do. Then you forget that its raining outside and well, you know.

"I mopped this floor about an hour ago." I tell him and he laughs before walking on the carpet.

"Did you steam clean yet?"

"2 hours ago."

"Ta da!" He says to me, happily walking on the carpet, putting just visible mud stains in the carpet.

"Asshole." I whisper to myself and try to walk out of the room but he grabs my arm and hauls me back. Not allowing me to go anywhere.

"What did you call me?"

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