Is there no help around here?

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A/N: lmao you guys do know I'm making this stuff up as I go? I have no clue how to write a fanfic lol 😂😂😂

In any other situation, I would've said "Oh cool a free dress!" but I'm not in any other situation. I'm in my situation which involves a psycho Mafia leader trying to bribe my into joining his gang.

So after practice, the three amigos made it priority to put Yuzu's plan to use; asking Debby to see the security footage.

"Umm.. could one of you guys talk to her please? I'm not on the best of terms with her...well I've never been. To be honest, I don't thinks she's on good terms with anyone" I said

"Don't worry Charlie, I got you" Javi says, walking up to the both where Debby sits in the booth in the front foyer.

"Hi can we see the security footage from the past month?"

Debby peaks her face out from the top of her magazine and shoots us the most disgusted look she can pull.

At least he's having a better first try with her than I did.

"I'm sorry but the Cricket Club does not own any form of security footage" she says with a dry tone.


"Keep your voice down in my lobby" she shouts back

"Listen, we're concerned about our safety here woman! I'm not sure if you've noticed but there has been a man lurking around the rink for a month!" I tell her, trying my best to keep my voice down

See, times like this make me want to shove the phone down her throat.

"Look here kid, even if we did have security footage I could only show it to people with a qualified police license. Sorry" she says not sounding sorry at all


"Ok that didn't work, so now what?" Yuzu says in Japanese when we're in the car

I quickly translate for Javi before adding "We move to plan B"

"And what would plan B be, chicken?" Javi asks while backing the car out of the lot and putting it in drive

"Look here", I say as I pull the dress out of my bag, "I got this from him today. Attached to it is a tag with a handwritten note. Maybe we can bring it to the police and see if they can match the handwriting or something"

"Smart Charlie-san! We'll catch him in no time" Yuzu says from the passenger seat

With that said, the three of us went home to drop our stuff off and I went to grab the note that came with the roses.

We make our way down to the police office and I bid my side of the story.

But get this.

Apparently the police can't help with only TWO pieces of evidence.

"I'm sorry miss but we need solid proof" Officer Mike tells me

Are you kidding me?

"Seriously? How isn't this evidence!" I shout

"Please keep your voice down, miss, in the mean time we need you relax and come back when you have more valid proof"

Screw this.

"Arggh!" I scream as the three of us are out the police station

"What's it gonna take for them to do something!? Do they need to find me dead, in order to put a search out!" I scream as rub my face in frustration

The boys pull me into a group hug, while I manage to try and calm down a little.

This seems like a never ending spiral of events.


The three of us are back at Javi and I's house, and I'm helping Yuzu write up his Skate Canada form.

"So just write your first name here and your last name here" I pointing to the lines that say 'Name' and 'Surname'

"Charlie-chan, I know your not alright, but I don't know what else to ask you. Are you alright?" Yuzu says, placing down the pen and putting his hand on top of mine

"I seriously don't know how to feel right now. I guess I should be used to all this. Dealing with shit is like second nature to me" I say trying to pull a convincing laugh

But he's not convinced.

"You don't have to make this pain a second home Charlie",he says in a sincere voice, "I don't know why this world has been treating you so unfairly, but I'll always be here for you"

I really hope so too, Yuzu.

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now