Meet the Tony Stark

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Rob thought Percy would flip out, but Percy's face remains blank. He stares at the two cops wondering why that name should mean something to him.  "Who?"

Ellen lets out a little laugh, remembering how cut off from the outside world Percy is. "Haven't you at least heard of the Avengers?"

Percy looks thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. Some friends of mine are big fans I guess."

In truth it is the Hermes and Aphrodite cabins that do all the talking about who's famous and who's not. The Avengers have definitely come up several times. If Percy thinks hard enough he can remember the names of all six members. Ironman has definitely been one of the names mentioned. 

He blinks rapidly. "You mean Ironman of the Avengers is my long lost uncle?"

Rob chuckles nervously. "Yep."

"No," Percy says crossing his arms. "That guy is swarmed by cameras right? I don't want my life broadcasted to the world." 

Ellen sighs. "You don't exactly have a choice. There's a meeting tomorrow to sort things out and I can try to convince him to let you stay at the apartment under his guardianship."

Percy drops his head into his hands and nods slightly. He imagines that the billionaire doesn't want a seventeen year old tromping around his skyscraper house. He only hopes that the guy leaves him alone.


Percy sits beside his friend Alicia on the front steps of the courthouse. Ellen and Rob had tried to convince him to come, but he had waved them away. He has a tendency to say things that tick off people with more power than he has. 

So there he sits beside Alicia as she writes on notebook. She doodles the faces of the Avengers as she names them off and gives suspiciously detailed descriptions of the members including their leader Nick Fury. Of course Percy doesn't ask how she knows all this, only listens quietly. Her 'doodles' are also very detailed and look more like photos that have been sketchafied in photoshop.

To anyone passing by they just look like two teenagers hanging out on some steps, not a kid and his supportive best friend waiting to see where he will be living for the next year or so. 

"So," Alicia says, laying down the pencil. "do you wanna head to the movies after this?" 

Percy smiles and nods. Neither of them has much money, but they can always scrape enough together to go to a movie once or twice a month. "How about the new Spiderman."

She shoots him a look, "Let's go see Thor for the sake of the situation."

He shrugs and snatches her notebook. He flips to a new page and starts his own doodle of Spiderman. It sucks and after a few minutes he hands it back. 

The doors to the courthouse bang open and out marches a cocky looking man in a monkey suit. He has spiked black, a small goatee, and expensive looking aviators. "Tony Stark, " Alicia whispers to Percy. They watch him as he walks over to the sportcar parked by the curb. Reporters and cameras trail after him. The teens both have the same thought running circles in their head.

Percy Jackson is related to that?!

Ellen bust out the doors and meets him by the car. The exchange a few words before Ellen motions to where they are sitting. Before Percy can decide which way to make a break for Tony Stark is standing in front of him. Percy stands and shakes the offered hands and swaps introductions, introducing Alicia who smirks. 

"So you ready?" Tony asks.

"Ready for what?" Percy shoots back.

Tony cocks his head to the side. "To move into Stark Towers of course. This cop here said you could stay at your apartment, but I knew you would want to move into somewhere a little nicer."

Percy's face flushes, but he doesn't want to argue. Ellen and Rob are nice, however, they have little tolerance for Percy's stubbornness. He knows that they will crack down him if he tries arguing with his new uncle. Instead he just motions to Alicia. "Can she come hang out?"

Alicia scoffs, but gives a smile of agreement. "Sure," Tony says. "The more the merrier."

Oh yeah he definitely has to be layering it on thick for the press. Who else would eagerly invite a couple of teenagers to a high tech breakable home base.


Thor steps through the elevator into the lounge room of Stark Tower and stops dead in his tracks. Sitting on the couch watching the still-in-theaters Thor are two people . One of them is a rather tall, lean teenage boy with ruffled black hair and sharp ocean green eyes. The other is a beautiful young girl of about the same ages with platinum blonde curls and piercing yet gentle blue eyes.

Neither of them look up from their movie. They sit too close together too be just friends and far enough apart to show they aren't aware of the familiarity.  

"Hello," Thor booms and the guy leans forward to turn up the volume. 

"Don't bother," Tony says coming in. "I think they're protesting."

Thor gives him a strange look. "What do you mean Man of Iron?"

"Kid said on the way over he would prefer to live in his old apartment. They've barely spoken since we got here. Protesting."

"Who are they?" Thor asks. 

"My nephew," Tony smirks. " Go figure. And his little girlfriend."

At this both heads whip around to glare at Tony. Tony just shrugs and stalks over to the bar and grabs out a glass. He gives Thor a knowing look, which the Asgardian misses entirely. 

"It's going to be a long week," Bruce comments from his place half way emerged in the chair.

Yay got the first official chappie. Let me know what you think. I feel like I might have rushed a bit. 

And as a side note I only know what I know about the Avengers from the movie and other fan fics I have read. 

The picture to the side is kinda what I picuted Alicia looking like.

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