Picking Apart the Truth

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Percy walks through camp with Alicia on his heels. People turn and watch them pass. He hears whispers of 'who's the new girl? wonder who her parent is?' They don't even seem to realize that she's mortal and Percy is probably about to be turned into a dolphin for bringing her here. Alicia on the other hand seems amused. Her bright blue eyes shine with merth as she listens to them. 

They head down to the archery targets, Percy pointing things out as they go. Chiron is watching carefully for stray arrows from the side as they approach. He looks up and shoots them a small reasuring smile. "Welcome back Percy? How is life treating you my boy?"

Percy gives a slight smile in return and lies, "Pretty good." Alicia elbows him as if to say 'it's rude to lie'.Oh well. "Anyway I thought you might want to meet my friend.

Chiron looks at Alicia, his eyes alight. "Yes, I see Percy has taken to sneaking in cute mortal girls now."

Percy blushes furiously, but Alicia cooly replies. "Sneaking? More like stomping around as if he's Thor." 

They both laugh at that and Chiron shakes his head slightly. He motions back to the targets and says. "Well I still have a class to teach. I will make an exception just this once and let miss ......."

"Alicia Martin."

"miss Martin stay until after the campfire since Mr. D's away. Deal?"

Percy nods and pushes Alicia away before Chiron can change his mind. He has to wonder why he didn't make a big deal out of it. One of the Aphrodite girls once tried to sneak in her boyfriend for dinner  and Chiron made her do the dishes alone for an entire week. Not only that but the poor guy's mind was wiped of any memory pertaining to Greek. Yet Percy had gotten away with a lot since the Giant War, stuff that not even the others from the prophecy get away. He is definetly getting special treatment, but why? Even with everything that's happened he's still laden with more responsibilities than most campers as one of the leaders. He's mentally stable and it doesn't seem like anyone is trying to pity him. So why?

He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. Without noticing he has led them over to the cabins and just look who is emerging from the Athena cabin. Annabeth looks up and her eyes widen sligthly when she sees Alicia, who Percy just now realizes he had grabbed the hand of. He lets go quickly as his face heats up a little. He looks away from the grey eyed girl. After that she seems to recover her shock and brushes past them, heading to the arena. If it wasn't painfully obvious that they're over before it is now.

"Well that was lovely." Alicia says, cutting through the tense air like it's butter. She doesn't seem to realize that were just holding hands in front of his ex-girlfriend.

He snorts and turns around, deciding the lake is a better place to be. He definitely doesn't want bring her into his cabin now, where they would be alone. "I think she hates me."

"I'm sure she does. I would hate you too if you looked hotter than me. It's a good thing you don't." She's says sarcastically. She's not trying to mean or call Annabeth mean. She's just trying to lighten the mood and that's it. Isn't it?

He can't help it. He laughs, earning a curious glance from Katie. He has been so moody around camp since his mother's dissapearance and they don't help any by always being so serious. 

"Humble, aren't you?" he tells her.

"Shut up. I made sure to wear an obnoxious amount of make up this morning. I wanted to be beautiful when I saw Tony." She smirks and flips her hair over her shoulder dramatically. She's mimicking Drew perfectly and she hasn't even met the girl yet. She really has to stop though or Percy's sides might tear from laughing so hard. 

Family Habits ( Percy Jackson and the Avengers)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें