Angel-O's for Breakfast

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(A/N see what I did with the title there. I feel a little clever after that. And then.. maybe not.)

Nico saunters across the room, unashamed with his nontraditional methods of 'dropping in'. His dark eyes bore into Percy's as his words sink into the minds of the Avengers. He has always known that Percy has never given himself enough credit for his participation in the wars, but it irks him to no end just how far his friend downplays it like this. 

No one speaks, everyone is quite shocked by the Son of Hades's sudden entrance, even Percy. He stands with his mouth agape, not even sure how to rebuke what has been said. He doesn't want the others to know about his roles in the wars, because he feels heavily burdened by all the mistakes he has made. Leaving Calypso. (A/n we're going with Leo rescued her after the war with the Gaea) Not reaching out to Luke sooner. Not somehow convincing the Romans that destroying their camp with the Argo II was an accident. Failing to save Bob and Damasen. Failing to save Frank.

Nico shakes his head with a heavy sigh. "You're impossible, Perce. Always have been. Always will be."

Percy scoffs, but a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. "I'm not the one who got stuck under Mrs. O'Leary's rear end for over an hour last month."

"That was you're fault and you know it." Nico says, pouting slightly at the memory. The tension in the room is slowly forgotten. That is until...

"Wait who the hell are you and where did you come from?" Tony asks, glaring at Nico as if he can't believe he has the guts to just pop into his tower without permission.

"Oh I'm Nico D'Angelo and I came from right there." He motions to the slightly darker corner of the room behind him.

"How long were you spying on us?" Natasha cuts in. She doesn't like it that someone was able to go unnoticed by her. As a spy and master assassin she takes offence to that.

"I wasn't. I just walked in and caught all that bullshit Percy was spouting." Nico says with a shrug. However, there's a gleam in his eyes that betrays his nonchalance. He is amused at the unease and shock that he is causing this know-it-all team of superheros, Tony and Natasha's reactions being the best of all. 

"Hey!" Percy protests, but is interrupted by Bruce. 

"Yes, but how did you get in?"

Now it is getting harder for Nico to suppress his smile. It's really driving them crazy not knowing. It's obvious in the way they fidgit and glare at him. Before he can say anything though, Percy says, "He came throught the shadows."

Nico huffs. "Thanks for killing the mystery." 

"No problem." 

"What do you mean 'He came through the shadows' ? That makes no sense," Steve points out the obvious confusion of everyone in the room isn't from Camp Half Blood. 

Nico waves his hand in front of his face. "Naw. It's not important. What's important," He turns back to glare at Percy who has this 'damit he didn't forget after all' look on his face. "is that this idiot is acting like he did nothing at all in the two monumental wars that just occurred."

Tony raises his hand. Why? Who knows. It's Tony. "Uhm what wars? I'm pretty sure if there was any wars going on people would notice."

Surprisingly it is Thor who answers. "You did notice. Do you not recall the storms and earthquakes last summer and then the year prior to that?"

"You mean.... that the ... they fought with storms?" Steve asks, stumbling over his words, trying to find the right thing to say.

"No of course not," Thor laughs loudly causing Nico to grimace. Everyone else is used to the loudness of the Asgardian. "They fought with weapons. The storms were only the repricutions of the gods' anger and the release of power from the demigods. That is how Mount Saint Helens errupted. One of the half bloods releases too much of their power and weakened the bonds of Typhon. When he came to New York he caused much destruction."

"Why can't everyone just let that go?! It was Hepheastus's fault for sending us in there in the first place! He should have known I would blow something up!" Percy says without thinking. There is a small rumble of thunder in the distance.

Everyone looks at him. The silence is so heavy he can practically hear the dust settling. He shifts uncomfotably. Great. Now they're not going to let him live it down either. Even though the gods never really got too pissed about the whole thing, they still tease him every chance they get. Especially Ares. He always comments on Percy being gassy. Haha. Very original.

Nico is the first to speak, cracking a large grin. "See? I always knew you hate the crap people give you for that."

Percy chuckles awkwardly and shuffles a step back like he wants to make a break for. He did not mean to let that slip. Thor looks at him incredulously. "You did that? I thought that the young demigod had died."

"Uh no. Though everyone thought so for awhile. Man you should have seen the looks on their faces," Nico says with a shrug. Jerk. He's totally enjoying this, but at least he isn't talking about how Percy led the Battle of Manhattan and was part of the Prophecy of Seven. 

Thor's eyes are huge with disbelief. The rest just seemed slightly lost. All that they have caught is that Percy is responsible for the blowing up Mount Saint Helens. If that's all they remember Percy may be in some serious trouble. 

"What else have you accomplished?" Thor says turning to the Son of Poseidon, with a look that could rival a kid meeting the real life Santa. Since when is blowing things up an acomplishment, unless of course you were blowing up some badie trying to take over the world.

 "When I was in elementary school I blew up the school bus with a cannon." At the alarmed looks he puts his hands up and rushes on." but now on purpose of course! I didn't even know that it actually worked."

Tony shakes his head and chuckles. Clint shoots the billionaire a look and says to Percy. "Don't worry I think that one may have been inherited. You can blame Tony."

Nico gives a frustrated huff. "That is definitely not what he meant and you know it. So stop trying to weasel out of it and tell them about everything you did, everyone you saved."

Nico knows he's chosen his words poorly when Percy's face pales slightly and he clenches his fist at his side. He immediately knows that Percy is thinking of Frank. The poor guy still can't stop blaming himself though it was definitely not his fault. Frank chose to protect him, that was the big guy's choice. No one can change that. 

After several moments Percy runs a hand down his face. His weariness from before returning. "Fine. I'll tell them. I'll tell them everything."


okay so I will admit to one little mistake in my question last time. He was poisoned four times, not three. I feel like a bad fan that I didn't remember.

Anyway the answer/s is/are:

The Lightening Thief - St. Louis Arch with Echidna and her deadly chihuahua/chimera. In the end he never defeated her, but I don't think she popped up later, which I was expecting.

end of The Lightening Thief with Luke and the scorpion. It caught him on the hand after Luke left. Remember what tipped him off that something was off wtih Luke was that Luke littered

Beginning of The Titan's Curse with Dr. Thorn the  Manitcore, though this one wasn't deadly it just hurt a lot and turned green. Nico thought is was cool

And lastly in Tartarus when he received the curse from Phineas and was poisoned with Gorgon's blood, keep in mind it wasn't the only curse he bore at the time. I really want to see if any ot the curses will end of affecting him in the next book despite having been fully healed. I mean he can't just walk away from that. You agree right? 


So yeah I turned that into a total book rant, but whatever. You can rant in the comments if you want. I read every single one of them when they are sent to me by email so shoot.

Anyway you know the drill: comment, vote and follow. :)

~Halie <3

*pic is everyone's fav scene from Mount Saint Helens. I know this isn't a percabeth story, but i'm going to do some reflecting on their relationship later...maybe IDK*

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