The Wrath of Fury

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The ice bath was the worst idea in the world in Percy's opinion. After being placed on a cot next to the tub of ice Percy feels as if he has been deep fried and frostbiten at the same time. Bruce stays with him until he fever steadies at 102 and he finically manages to drift off to sleep. 

As soon as Dr. Banner is gone Fury materializes over the sleeping kid and just watches him, his thoughts working in overtime to piece together what he knows about Percy. He's a troublemaker, but he is related to Tony, so that's to be expected. He disappeared for eight months, supposedly having taken off on a trip with some friends and when he returned his parents were missing. He doesn't show up to school much and seems to go to a nonexistent camp every summer. His real dad was lost at sea and his stepdad is an English teacher at his high school. There's plenty of room there for suspious activity.  

Suddenly the door swings open and in stomps Tony. He looks pissed to see Fury there.  

"What are you doing here?" Fury has to admit he has never seen the normally snarky billionaire this angry.  

"I came to see what you are covering up about this boy." He responds calmly.  

"Nothing," Tony snaps. "We caught him drinking that's all." 


"Yes. Now leave my nephew out of your stupid investigations!" 

Fury was about to remind Tony that he could investigate anyone he wants to when a groan comes from the bed. They both turn to see Percy throw up over the side. Tony wonders how he even has anything to throw up until he sees the bile and blood. He realizes that because he likely hasn't eaten in a while it's tearing up his stomach and throat.  

"JARVIS call Bruce for me," Tony says, moving over to Percy. He helps the kid into a sitting position and hands him the untouched glass of water from the nightstand. Percy tries to refuse it, but Tony shoves it in his hand anyway. 

"Drink," he commands and Percy drinks, though he grimaces as the cold liquid slides down his dry throat. 

"Thanks," he croaks, having only taken a small drink. His eyes drift over to Fury and he nods a hello.  

Just then Bruce enters with a worried look on his face that fades slightly when he sees that Percy is finally up. "What is it Tony?" 

"Kid's throwing up his insides."  

Percy shoots him a glare at the kid comment, but then his eyes fall to the mess on the floor. He doesn't seem entirely surprised, just disgusted. He glances back up to the three men who are watching him intently. Bruce looks about ready to force the rest of the water down his throat. 

"It's not as bad as it looks," he mumbles sheepishly.

Bruce shakes his head and grumbles something about 'stupid stubborn teenagers' and sits down on the bed. He asks Percy to open his mouth and shines a light in it. He shakes his head as he straightens back up. "When was the last time you ate?"

Percy looks down at the glass of water, his stomach in a tight knot. "I don't know.... two or three days ago."

"I'll go it you some soup or something," Bruce sighs loudly and leaves.

Fury is abruptly right in front of Percy who, even though he feels slightly better after his sip of water, is starting to get light headed. He leans away from the man with the eye patch and his back presses into the headboard. "Who are you boy?"

"Leave him alone!" Tony growls from behind the fearsome man. "He's sick and he doesn't need you up in his face."

Percy shoots his uncle a surprised glance. Tony is carefree, sarcastic and snarky. This defensiveness and anger is out of character. Also why would he show any compassion towards Percy, who he hardly knows. 

However Percy is pulled out of his thoughts by Fury's glare which burns into skull with a painful intensity. "I'm Percy Jackson, son of Sally and Paul Blofis" Inward wince. Sorry Dad." Tony's my uncle. Uhm... I'm seventeen and am a junior at Goode High School. I'm funny and many people say I'm better looking than Tony."

Tony scoffs and Fury's eye narrows. "That isn't the answer I'm looking for."

At this point Percy is getting really worried. What does he know?!  "Oh, okay..... uh well my name is actually Perseus Jackson, but I prefer Percy...... if that's ..what you mean.

He's getting really light headed now, but he notes with slight amusement that Fury's face is a little red. He sees Tony come up and lightly shove him down onto the pillow, then he turns and says something to Fury, who gives Percy one last look and leaves. The room is spinning and the darkness closes in. He gives one last half hearted attempt to keep his eyes open before sleep claims him.


Alicia had shown up just as Percy was dunked in the ice bath, but Bruce had insisted she wait until he his stable to visit. She hadn't been all that happy about it. Still she complied. Arguing would do her friend no good.

Now four days later, she walks soundlessly into Percy's room. He is sitting up in his bed playing with a spoon in a bowl of soup. There's is an empty glass on the nightstand. 

She knocks on the door frame to get his attention. He looks up and smiles. Alicia holds up the bag she brought with her and says, "Though you might need something good to eat." 

"You're a life saver," He laughs as she hands him the box containing two juicy hamburgers and tons of greasy french fries. She puts the case of Coke on the table.  

She flashes him a mischievous smile, "So I've been told." 

He chomps down happily on one of the sandwiches. Since he has been able to keep things down Bruce has been making him eat this god awful soup and as much as he loves water, he sure has missed his Coke. "Thought you'd only be ten minutes."

"Oh well the line was terribly long." They share a grin and Alicia's eyes wonder up to the TV. "Are you watching Two Broke Girls? You perv." 

This causes him to blush, but he makes no move to change the channel. 

"Hey guess what Lise."

"Hmm. What?"


"Shut up and just tell me, Perce."

He sighs. "I somehow without doing anything brought the wrath of the Almighty Fury down on myself. He's been harassing me like crazy since I got sick."

She takes one of his fries. "That's good isn't it?"

"How do you figure that?'

Alicia shrugs. "Well it just means you're being you, getting everyone who can kill you at the drop of a hat mad at you.

They both break out laughing.  It is easy-going and before Percy realizes it ,the tension from the last year is easing off his shoulders. It is likely the first time he has just laughed because he can since the war. He looks over at Alicia and suddenly he has the urge to spill everything. Starting from the start.

"Hey Lice, what you know about Greek mythology and evil math teachers?" he whispers.


Well I wouldn't be me if I didn't leave you with a cliff hanger, now would I? :) Oh and for those of you who are like "well why didn't he just eat ambrosia and nector?" He didn't have any and it would look suspious if he was magically all better after eating a "brownie". Not only that but Fury has been watching him.

Next chappie what will happen? I don't know. I haven't written it yet. :D

Tell me what you think by commenting, voting and following me. Pretty please and thank you. The pic is an angry Fury. 

Until next my lovely readers. Until next time.

~ Halie <3

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