The Beast

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Rosalind kept her head down as she picked at the pieces of shattered plate. She felt vulnerable and embarrassed as the man in the doorway gaped at her. She hurriedly felt for the pieces, her hands shaking. Cassandra rushed in quickly, placing herself between Rosalind and the Master of the house. Rosalind yelped as her finger struck a piece of glass, blood coming to the skin. The Master pushed past Cassandra, who was pleading at him--he did not seem to hear any of it. He grabbed Rosalind gruffly by the arm and pulled her to her feet. His hot breath striking her face, Rosalind kept her eyes lowered and tried to turn her face from him.

Cassandra grabbed at his arm commanding him to release Rosalind. He shook her off. Rosalind's heart was beating so fast, she feared that she would lose consciousness if this continued. The Master grabbed her face with his free hand and turned her face towards his.

"Look at me," he commanded. She was frozen, she could not seem to move. She trembled in his ferocious embrace. "Look at me!"

His voice incited fear in her heart. She moved looked up, fixing her eyes where she assumed his would be. He took a sharp intake of breath and released her. Rosalind calmed, bracing herself against the tub. She heard a slap followed by a snarl.

"You are a fool!" She heard Cassandra say with venom.

"She does not fear me," the man said numbly.

"Of course she fears you! You just accosted her!"

"No, no, she wasn't afraid. When she looked--"

"Fool, she cannot see." She heard Cassandra's sharp whisper. The words struck a chord. She had felt helpful just minutes ago. Cleaning things, had made her feel like she was normal. Cassandra had just reminded her that she was not.

The Master approached her again, she could hear the crunching of broken plate underneath his boots. He grabbed her arm--gentler this time. "You may be my guest here, but do tread lightly." She did not know what possessed her to do so, but she lifted her hand to touch his face. Before her fingertips could meet flesh her hand was swatted away. He stormed away from her to Cassandra. "For one moment, I thought--never mind!"

Once he was gone, Cassandra crossed to Rosalind. She wrapped cloth around her cut, and helped her clean up the rest of the pieces. Cassandra sat her in a chair by the sink like a child who had been naughty and finished the dishes herself. Rosalind sat in silence pondering over her first real encounter with the Master of the house.

She did not even pay attention as Cassandra helped her back to her room, down the long series of hallways. Cassandra quietly opened the door for her, and Rosalind moved carefully back to her place on the window seat.

"He is not usually that way--"

"It's all right," Rosalind said softly, resting her forehead against the window.

"You have to understand that--" Cassandra began.

"It is all right, Cassandra." Rosalind was tired of talking. She may be the guest, but she has never felt so unwelcome. Cassandra shut the door, and sat beside her on the window seat. Rosalind sighed against the glass of the window, Cassandra touched her hand. "I am sorry about the plate."

Cassandra burst into laughter, "It is fine, Rosalind! I am so sorry for the Master's behavior--he is very finicky when it comes to visitors."

"Have you had many, then--visitors, I mean?" Rosalind asked.

"No, not for a long time." Cassandra's voice was almost inaudible.

"How long could it possibly have been?" Rosalind questioned.

Winter's Rose ~A Beauty and the Beast Retelling~Where stories live. Discover now