The Battle

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Rosalind sat quiet as she was jostled around by the bumps in the road. Silas tried to ease her sorrow by telling her stories of William as a child. She would give him a sad smile every once in a while to appease him. They had been on the road for a few hours only pausing to water the horses and stretch. She twisted William's ring around her finger. She had tucked his letter in her dress pocket for safe keeping.

"What does William's name mean?" She asked softly. The question peaked Silas' interest.

"William means protector." Silas said simply.

"Does he have a surname?" Rosalind asked. Thinking back on it, she couldn't recall if they have ever mentioned it.


"And what does that mean?"

"Lost." Silas told her sadly. "A lost protector."

It was interesting how accurate names where. Ironic, in fact. Silas began to rattle off how he had become interested in the meaning behind names.

"What does Andrew mean? It's my brother's name." She asked. She was thankful to have something distract her from the journey away from William.

"Strong name," Silas mused. "It means a warrior."

"That is precisely what he is," Rosalind couldn't help but laugh. "He used to get in fights to protect me."

"He sounds like a good man," Silas stated.

"He is."

The pair became quiet for a while. Rosalind listened to sounds of the birds singing in the trees. All her thoughts seemed to lead back to Will. She missed him; it had only been a few hours, but it felt like days. She was never going to see him again. Her heart ached with the knowledge.

"The town is just over the hill," Silas told her.

Rosalind's heart picked up. Memories of the guards ripping her from her family tore through her mind. She felt sick. She felt braver then than she did now. She knew that this was the only way to save her father. What would her family think of her now? Her innocence was gone--surely Andrew would be able to tell. She was harder and more jaded now; she had known love and now was losing it. She felt horrible, but she couldn't help by loathe her brother. How could he be allowing her to do this? He had fought trying to get her back when she was taken--why was he handing her over so willingly now?

Lord Hersey was a ruthless disturbing man. If it came to it, she'd run or die trying. She would not go quietly. She was no longer an innocent child who would allow herself to sit idly by. She would free her father, and save her family, but she will not return with Lord Hersey--she'd make sure of it.

Silas pulled the wagon into the town. Rosalind was able to guide him to the front of her father's shop. She could hear the noise of the market place. Sounds that she once had found joy in now seemed loud and obnoxious. Silas helped her town from the wagon, she feet hitting the hard dust.

"Rosalind?" She heard her brother's voice from the doorway. She turned to face him. He stared at her a long while before pulling her into a gruff hug. She wrapped her arms around her brother. "We were so worried when we heard about the attack."

Rosalind pulled away from him. Silas cleared his throat.

"This is Silas Dillion," Rosalind gestured to him. "Silas this is my brother, Andrew."

The two men shook hands.

"Thank you for taking care of my little sister," Andrew said.

"Do not thank me, my Master is the one who deserves the thanks." Silas told him.

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