Pack Your Bags and Happy Graduation

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You were standing in the middle of the large crowd, waiting for the crystal ball to drop to signify the New Year.

You glanced around the crowd for him. Where is he? It's almost time for the countdown and he promised he'd watch it with you.

You looked around for a little while longer till you heard the crowd starting to chant.

"10...9...8..."you said along with them, excited for the sight, but upset at the same time because Percy wasn't there,"7...6...5...4...3...2..."

Suddenly you felt someone's hands on your shoulder. They quickly spun you around until you came face to face with your childhood best friend (and crush), Percy Jackson.

"1..."was all he whispered before he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, kissing you right as the fireworks went off and the crystal ball dropped.

One week has passed since the kiss and where were you? In a car headed hundreds of miles away to live with your aunt.

It sucked leaving Percy and your other friends behind, but what sucked more was you and Percy didn't talk the entire week. He never even came to say goodbye. It hurt but you didn't have a grudge against him. Neither of you really expected what happened at New Years- although thinking back on it,it did seem pretty predictable. Whether or not Percy regretted the kiss, you didnt.

It's been four years since the kiss. You lived with your aunt for the entire highschool period of your life; and as much as you hated it, you lost contact with Percy during that time.

Now you were in AP Greek History on your last day of your senior year in highschool. Class was half-way over when someone poked you in the arm. You turned in your seat to face your closest friend, Nico Di Angelo.

You raised an eyebrow, giving him a questioning look.

"You're still up for riding with me to college, right?" he whispered.

You and Nico shared a passion for art and music. You met him in your art class at the beginning of your sophomore year and have stayed friends since. Through the past three years, you learned about his other love of music and discovered he could play piano and guitar. You had intentions of going to the same college as he did, so Nico offered you a ride with him.

You nodded in response and he smiled.

After class you walked up Nico to say goodbye. He was leaving for the summer to visit his dad: Mr.Hades. His father owned a massive business which kept him constantly getting on plane after plan, so he had set up a system for Nico to stay with the Valdez family (close friends of his) during the school year and in the summers he would visit his father, when he had less business trips to take. The Valdez family consisted of two people-Miss Valdez and her one son, who happened to be the third member of your friend trio.


Leo on the other hand, didn't have the same interests as you and Nico. He was more into engineering and mechanical work, which came in handy whenever your car broke down.

You met Leo also in your sophomore year, but in science class. He was your lab partner and the reason you went home your third day with second degree burns (compliments of his 'expirament malfunction' as he called it) .Today the scar on your wrist still stands out.

"I'll see at the end of summer, Y/n" Nico said, giving you a hug.

Right as you pulled away from Nico your were tackled to the ground.

"Oh, Y/n, Im gonna miss you! But no fear, by the time you're in college, I'll only be like," he paused," ...two hours away. So you can still come visit when you miss your McShizzle." The spontaneous yelling in your ear by your surprise attacker, made you feel as though you were becoming deaf.

"Get off me, Valdez!"you half-shouted,half-laughed.You pushed against his chest with both of your hands,which caused him to roll on the ground beside you. Nico shook his head, helping you up.

You took a deep breath and dusted the dirt off the bottom of your jeans. After fixing the few hairs that fell in your face, you looked up to see 'Your McShizzle' as he called himself.

His brown curly hair slightly hung nearly his dark eyes and his lips were turned in the goofiest smile.

"I'll see you every summer when I come back to visit my aunt. You live next door."you reminded him and he made an 'oh right' face.

"Oops. My bad, I forgot."he said,and hugged you again, thankfully like a normal human would this time.

After Leo hugged you he looked over at Nico, widening his arms out,"Hug bro?"

Nico put up a hand, "No."

"Aw come on, Our Pessimistic Prince,its our last day. Hug me brotha "Leo said before forcing a hug on Nico. Nico stiffened up like a plank of wood until Leo let go, "We'll work on it next summer." he joked. You just laughed.


You were lying in an 'X' shape on your bed, staring at the ceiling. It's only been two hours of your summer break and you're already. Normally you'd be out doing something with Leo, but since he went straight from school to his girlfriend Calypso's (Cal for short) house to spend the weekend, you were alone.

After another hour of life reflection, your aunt came home. You heard her car pull into the driveway and twenty minutes later, she was standing in your door frame.

"You just gonna spend all summer in bed?" she asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Probably." you said blandly.

"Well luckily for you, Im a good guardian and refuse to let you waste away in the dark. So we should go out to the beach."

"Auntie, we live four hours away from the beach; and with how small it is, Im not sure I qualify that as a beach."you said, still staring at the ceiling.

"No, I don't either. I call it a 'pitiful sand mound', but you must be Irish with all this luck, cause that's not the beach we are headed to. Ours is across the Greece." she said, officially catching your attention.

You sat straight up in your bed, turning to her,"What did you say?" you asked excitedly.

"Pack your bags and happy graduation, cause we are headed to Greece." A large smile spread across her lips.

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