Take Me To Greece

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It was late.The Jacksons came home amd invited you to stay for dinner.It took Mr.Jackson a moment to notice who you were unlike his wife,who recognized you immediately.After dinner you were welcomed to stay over due to how late it had become.So one call to your aunt later and here you were.

You laid next to Percy on his bed.His arms were wrapped tightly around you as you both laid on your sides,facing each other.His eyes were focused on you as you played with a small peice of his hair.

"Your hair is wet..."you said,as you twirled a small lock of it around your finger."You sweat alot..."you added.

He bit his lip before tightening his grip around you,"Sorry?I'll try and control my sweat glands next time."he causing you to laugh.

"Okay smart-ass."you looked at his eyes and he smiled.

"I love you Y/n.I always have."

"I love you too Jackson,always..."you trailed off before something else fell off your lips,"I dont want to ever lose you again."your smile faded as the words came out.

Percy gently kissed your forehead,"You wont.I'll follow you wherever you go."he commented quietly.

"Promise?"you whispered,letting out a yawn to follow.

"Promise."he said.You laid your head against his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.Je laid his head on top of yours as you both fell asleep.


Sometimes life can take very odd turns for the best,even when they cause a few bruises along the way.

You and Percy,unlike the beginning of the vacation,spent nearly everyday together.You became closer friends with Annabeth,Luke,and the Twins wile you were there as well.When summer came crashing to an end you had to say goodbye to the four of them and Percy.But it was more of a 'see you later' situation.Percy was going to a college one hour away from (your college of choice) and Annabeth and Luke went to a work in Greece that paid for their college.The Stolls never said where they were going but promised that no matter what(or where),they'd see you next summer.

"So you are the famous Nico Di Angelo?"Percy asked as he draped one of his arms across your shoulders.Percy had taken the same plane as you so since Nico was picking you up,you had them meet.

Nico nodded,"And you're Percy Jackson,the drama-making fish."Nico said and you bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing.

"Nico."you said,trying to scold him.He just shrugged and rolled his eyes.

Before anyone could say anything else,a large force from behind tckled you to the ground,"Y/n!"they yelled in your ear.

"Hey Y/N you know him,right?"Percy asked cautiously.

You groaned,"Sadly yes.Leo meet Percy,Percy meet-"

"You can call me Bad Boy Supreme or McShizzle."Leo cut you off as he stood up.

"Right..."Percy trailed of looking at him weirdly.

Leo glanced over at Nico,"See you've met Miss Murder."

Percy chuckled and helped you up,"Yes I have...Y/N,my next flight leaves soon.I should get going."he said sadly.

You pouted and hugged him,"See you in a week?"you asked as you pulled away.

He smiled widely and nodded,"Of coarse,Gorgeous."he gave you a quick kiss to the lips as the plane attended called his flight.

"Bye."you said.

"Bye Y/n and bye uh...McShizzle?"he asked Leo and gave him a face as if to see if it was right.Leo nodded and ave a thumbs up,"And goodbye Miss Murder."he joked.Nico grabbed your hand and started walking towards the exit.

"Hurt her again,I'll kill you."Nico muttered to Percy as you two walked past him.

Percy gave a quiet gulp,"Keep that in mind"he mumbled.


Every weekend just like you two both promised each other,you met up and stayed together.Every weekend while you were in college and every summer you were invited to go visit his parents in Greece.Your aunt became close friends with the Jackson again and came visit for two weeks everytime you were there.

The summer after you graduated was the best one you've spent there yet all because of one moment.

Percy woke up one morning earlier then you had.When you did finally get up,there was a single white rose on your nightstand with a card.

'For our four year anniversary,I planned this scavenger hunt for you down memory lane.Follow the hints and the roses.I'll see you at the end,Love.

For your first hint:go to where Luke lost his shirt to tea.'

You sat there quietly thinking before remembering about the prank.Quickly you got up and dressed.After saying goodbye to the Jackson you went out on your little 'quest.'

You followed each clue which led you all around town.From the café to the museum to many stres and lastly to the beach.By now the sun was setting and painting the skies in beautiful gold and blue huesdYou walked slowly down the beach looking for another white rose or anniversary card.What you found instead was a lot more surprising and a lot better.Near where you met Percy and Annabeth at the beach for the first,Percy stood there in a suit and was down on one knee.He looked lovingly at you as soon as he saw you.You on the other hand tried to keep your ability to see him by not bursting into tears.You walked slowly up to him.

"Jackson,please tell me this isnt some horrible joke."you said,covering your mouth with your hand.

"Nope...Y/n,I love you and I always have and always will.I want you to always be there so I can how you how much I love you.I want to have you permanently by my side.So..."hepaused,opening the ring box to display a gorgeous diamond ring on a silver/gold band,"Y/n L/n,would you do me the honor of being my Mrs.Jackson?"he asked,looking up at you with a smirk.

Tears fell down your cheeks to the point where you thought you looked like a waterfall.You nodded quickly and Percy slid the ring on your finger.Within mere seconds of it going on your finger,you attacked Percy in a tight hug.He hugged you back equally as tight and spun you around before setting you back down.

"Glad this plan worked unlike that one four years ago."he commented and you laughed.He kept his arms tightly around you before placing a kiss against your.What was so special about that kiss?Besides just being engaged,it felt just as amazing as your New Year's kiss that he stole from you eight years ago.


Now it may sound utterly cliché to say you lived happily ever after,but well,you did.The wedding was absolutely stunning.It was large and held, by the Jackson's request,in their over sized mansion in Greece.Everyone came and everything seemed perfect.

The life that followed your marriage never seized to be adventure filled or gorgeously amazing.Percy was the perfect husband to you and in a year after your marriage,he was the perfect father to your twins,(boy's and girl's names.)

Percy never failed to show you how much he loved you and over the many years you remained together and just as madly in love.

You never denied in all those years that your graduation present,that trip to Greece,was the most perfect gift.


One night as you and Percy laid in bed,your precious 6 month olds laying between you two,Percy whispered,"If I could take you anywhere for our anniversary.Where should we go?"

You looked down at your kids before smiling back up at him,"Take me to Greece."you said softly.

Take Me To Greece{Perseus Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now