He Lives Like A Greek God

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You ran out of the store after quickly paying.Scanning the area for a mop of wavy blonde hair,within seconds you found Annabeth.

"Ann wait up!"you yelled,capturing her attention.She stopped as you ran up to her.

"Whats up Y/n?"she asked as you tried to catch your breath.

'Note to self.Learn to run better.'you made a mental note then focused your attention back on Annabeth.

"I-I thought about what you said...I want to go see Percy."you said and she smiled.

"Thank goodness.Come on,I was on my way there."she gestured for you to follow her.Soon you two were walking side by side on the edge of the road,going to wherever it was that Percy stayed.


Have you ever wondered what the old Greek gods of mythology's houses looked like?With the white colomns and large room;marble floors and delicate paintings and carvings.Well thats what the Jackson's house looked like.It was like they bought Zues' mansion from him.You always knew the Jacksons had money but never to this extent.

You followed Annabeth up the large concrete steps to the white painted double doors.As you walked you admired the large marble colomns that held up the porch roof.

"Its like dream right?"Annabeth's voice broke your focus.

"What?"you asked.

"This place,it feels almost unreal.Like its an old Greek castle."she said and you nodded.She wasnt wrong,this place was gorgeous.

Annabeth led you inside but stopped and turned to face you when you both reached the living room,"His parents are at the beach and going for dinner,so they wont be home for a few hours.Im just picking something up quickly because I have something to finish at work."she paused and placed a hand on your shoulder,"Can you promise me that you'll fix him while I'm gone?"she asked,a serious expression finding it's way to her face.You nodded and she smiled,"Good.Second room on the right."she said.She gestured towards the hall before give you a slight shove.

You hesitantly walked down the hall.You partly observed the decor as you mostly thought about what you were going to say to him.You were in mid thought when you heard the front door open and close,signaling Annabeth's departure.Within a few more steps,you reached Percy's bedroom.You knocked twice and waited patiently for an answer.After a few minutes you knocked again and yet,still no answer.Jiggling the door knob,you found out it wasnt locked and very slowly opened the door.

"P-Percy?"you said in a quiet surprise.A loud snore was the only response you got.You glanced towards the direction of the noise and saw Percy laying on his bed,wrapped up like a burrito in his comforter.You walked quietly over to the side of his bed and when you saw his face,you felt horrible.Why?Because he looked horrible.His hair was stuck to his forehead from sweat,his eyes and nose were terribly red from crying,and the grip he had on his pillow mirror the pained look etched on his face.He looked just like Annabeth said:broken.

You sat down quietly on the side of his bed and listened to him talk in his sleep.It was almost- inaudible mumbling with slight drool.You looked at him sympathetically and wiped the sweat off his forehead with part of his blanket.He flinched as soon as you moved his hair from his eyes and a small groan escaped his lips.

"I-Im sorry..."he muttered in his sleep.

You watched him carefully while you thought about what to say when he woke up.

'Just tell him...tell him you love him...tell him you accept his apology...'you thought as you focused on his face.His cheeks were turning back to their original skin color and he talked less.'You look so cute...even with that fountain of drool.'

His face scrunched up slightly before his eyes fluttered open.As soon as he caugh a glimpse of you,he widely opened his eyes and sat up.His spontaneous change in posture caused him to accidentally bump heads with you.

"Ow."you said as you rubbed your forehead.

He quickly pulled his hands from under his blanket and grabbed the sides of your face,looking worriedly at your forehead where he hit it,"I-Im so sorry."he said,his voice raspy from sleep but cracking from where he had been crying.

You noticed as he held your face that his eyes were filled with worry and sorrow.His grip on your face was soft but firm,like he was afraid of hurting you,but more afraid of letting you go.He wasnt wearing a shirt,and to avoid staring at his chest your forced your eyes to meet his,which were curtained by his messy black hair.

"Y/n?"he said,pulling you from your thoughts.

"Uh yeah?"

"I love seeing you...but why are you here?"he asked,still not moving his hands.

"Because..."you stopped yourself.
'Say it...you know you mean it.'you thought to yourself then cleared your throat.
"Because I wanted to...talk to you."you said.Not really what you wanted to say but it was a start.

"O-okay."he said with uncertainty and gently let go of your face.

"Percy...you've been an ass..."you started;confusion and pain immediately making their way to his face."But...I have been too.I realise that what you did...all of it,was for me.I'm not upset about any of it anymore.About you not saying goodbye or ignoring me...because I know you never meant to hurt me.I never should have done this to you either...it's not right and I'm sorry.Percy...I-I...I really love you and I dont want to lose you."you finished.Percy didnt move or say anything.He just sat there with his eyes focused on you.

"P-Per-"you started but you never got the chance to finish because his lips connected with yours.His hands held your face again in a gentle manner as he kissed you with passion.You were shocked at first,stiffening terribly until reality struck and you kissed him back.You wrapped your arms around his neck and he let go of your face to hug his arms around your waist.When the very importent thing called oxygen seemed to be lacking between you two,you pulled away.His chest rose and fell with each deep breath he took and he delicately buried his face in the crook of your neck.You bit your lip when you felt his warm breath hit your neck as he spoke quietly against it.

"I love you too...I should have said that a long time ago,because I really wanted this."he said,pulling you closer to his chest.You smiled and tightemed your arms around him.

"I did too..."

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