He's A Hot Mess

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After you left the café,you never heard from Percy again like he promised.Its been two weeks and you havent really left your house. You dont want to go out in fear of running back into him and starring something all over again.

You finally dragged yourself out of bed around ten in the morning and made yourself pancakes for breakfast.While making the pancakes your remembered how Miss Jackson used to always put blue food dye in hers for some reason.You couldnt remember why she did but it had something to do with a secret between her and Percy.You smiled to yourself at the memory but shook your head after realising what you were doing.

'Let him go,Y/n.'you thought to yourself.

You finished breakfast before your phone rang.You checked the caller ID and thank goodness it wasnt Annabeth.You enjoyed her company but you didnt want to talk or be around Percy.

"Hello"you said ad you placed the phone to your ear.

"Hey Y/n.Will you do me a favor?"you aunt asked.

"Yeah sure."

"Will you take the list off the fridge and go buy those things for me?"she asked.

You groaned,"Really?"

"Well if you'd like to use toilet paper the next time you went to the bathroom,then yes really."

"Okay fine."

"Thank you dear.See you at home in a few hours."she said before hanging up.

You sighed before looking up at the clock.It read twelve in the afternoon.

"I really dont want to go.He could be out there and knowing my luck,I'll run into him again."you said,discouraging yourself."But toilet paper is a must...so"you got up from your seat and walked up to your room.After changing into a red shirt,jean shorts,and matching red sandals;you grabbed your bag and phone and left to the store.

You were walking down an aisle looking for laundry detergent when you saw a familiar head of wavy blonde hair.Annabeth.You took a deep breath and forced a smile.Again you werent mad at her,its just that she is with Percy a lot,so he could be around here too.

You tapped her shoulder,making her turn around,"Hey Ann."you said.

She smiled and sat her basket down before giving you a hug,"Its been awhile,Y/n."she commented,pulling away.

You nodded slowly,"Yeah sadly it has been."

She gave you a sympathetic look,"How are you holding up?"

You shrugged your shoulders,"Okay I suppose."
What you said next,you felt as if you had no control over,like it just came out of your mouth without any reason."How's Percy?"you asked,immediately regretting.

Annabeth looked a bit taken off guard but answered anyway,"Well...I uh..."her hesitation sent a small wave,like a shock of worry through you."He's been better..."she trailed off.

What did she mean by that?Is he hurt?Emotionally hurt wasnt your concern but you were scared that he may be physically abusing himself.You wouldnt wish that on anyone.

"What's he like?"you asked,clutching your basket a little tighter.

She looked up at you in a hesitated manner,"He cries alot...and he wont leave his room much anymore."

Your heart sunk.Why though?You let him go,right?

"Y/n,I know what he did was stupid,Percy does alot of stupid things,but please help him...talk to him or something."she paused,"I've never seen him so broken."

You bit your lip,'Stop it,'you thought,'he's none of your concern.'

Annabeth shook her head slowly,"Guess he brought it on himself though..."

You watched her as she picked back up her basket,"We broke up."she said,making eye contact.


"We broke up...I cut off after he told me how he felt towards you.I could never make him feel the way you do so in order for him to be happy,I let him go."

"Y-you let him go so he could have me?"you asked,surprised.

She nodded,"But I guess it back fired huh?"she said,expressing an 'oh well' face towards you.

"I-Im sorry..."you stuttered.

"Dont be...I dont think he was ever mine to start with."she said,"See you later Y/n."she forced a smile then walked away.

You stood there not knowing what to say or do.She left him so he could be with you...he's broken...'I dont care.'you thought,trying to convince yourself of that,but even you weren't sure how you felt.

How did you feel towards him?It hurt everytime he was gone or in pain but he made decisions that hurt you...but werent those decisions made to keep you safe.Guess just like Annabeth's plan,they back fired.So what were your feelings towards Percy?You always seemed to fall for him even when you hated him.It was as if you hated to love him after what he did,but you hated ignoring him because it hurt even more.

'If he's in so much pain now...what you said must have hit him hard.Which means...he really was being honest.He really loved you and had the bet intentions with his decisions.'you explained to yourself.

And now,to any average person its seemed clear as day:,"I love Percy Jackson."you whispered to yourself."I love that hot mess."you laughed quietly to yourself.

And with that reality in check,you ran to find Annabeth in hopes she hadnt left yet.

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