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Welcome to 'Dear Mr.Bully'
Which is inspired by the highly prestigious wattpad novel
'Dear bully' written by @TeaRainAndLove
'Dear Mr.bully' is a short story made up of a collection of songs and rhymes of
a boy who was bullied, a boy who was broken , a boy who was depressed
this story is out here
to prove that you don't need to fight alone
To prove that you don't have to be a silent bystander
To prove that you don't have to be a scared victim
Because one single action
can decide fate in its own way


Dedicated to the bullied, the broken and the depressed
« be strong »


Started: 2\02\17
Finished: 18/03/17


Dear Mr.Bully
Please say sorry
For all the years of torment
And misery
Can't you see?
All the pain that you had given me

A man looks through a notebook that used to belong to him years ago,
A notebook filled with a dark past and pinch of happiness thrown in between
A notebook of a bully victim
And how he stood up for himself
. . . . .
Thank you and enjoy <3

 Thank you and enjoy <3

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