- u n p u b l i s h e d p o e m s -

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These are some of the poems that were included in the rough notes of 'Dear Mr.Bully' but sadly never made it to the finished book :(
so I decided to make a chapter for them , some of them you might recognize as the old , unedited versions of poems in this book
. . . .

Mama always said that I am unique
Is that why you call me a freak?
The way you hit,
The way you kick,
leaves numerous scars on my body,
Sometimes I think
'Is this your new hobby?'
Your eyes filled with anger,
Your punch becomes stronger,
Your words become harsher,

And I just ask why?
You don't reply
Why can't I fight?
Why can't I do whats right?
But I know that only then
Will this misery end
I cry
I try
I want to die
I know I'm not pretty,
That may sound silly,
But may I just remind you,
That my name is not 'ugly'

(Note: this poem was made, when I had the idea that the MC
was originally going to be female)
I take the blade,
From where it laid,
And I cut my skin,
Dear Mr.Bully

You win....
She defended me
You walked away
You had nothing to say
Dear Mr.bully...

I win
Does this make you feel better?
To see my heart shatter?
I trusted her
I befriended her
But she threw that all away
And to think...
I loved her
She's dead?
Questions fly through my head

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