- t h i r t y s i x -

250 53 41

A/N :Before I begin, I would just like to inform that these chapters are merely flashbacks of the past, thus being written in italics unlike the prologue which was written normally, because it described the present .
Sorry for any confusion and hope you enjoy reading ;)
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I stare at the sharp blade, that was held in a tight grasp in my hand.

"So...this is it huh?" I asked my self with a blank expression. The knife in my hand, looked so majestic , so beautiful , and it slightly glistened if I moved it around in the light.

I stared at the my reflection which showed up on the surface of the blade. I looked so weak, so vulnerable, is this really who I am? Why couldn't I be stronger? Why couldn't I defend my self? Why did I let her go? If only we were still friends..if only I hadn't blurted those words out...if only I had been braver

If only..

If only...

Slowly, one by one droplets of tears ran down my face, wetting the surface in the process.
These tears...I'm too familiar with them. They've always been with me, they always showed up at the time of suffering, they never left me alone.

I glanced down at the red cuts which were not so long ago engraved on my arm. These ugly scars will forever decorate my skin, and will be the infinite reminders of my dark memories, each scar having their own horrific story to tell.

It's time to add just one more scar to the collection, one that will over shine the others that came before it. One that will be the end of me and the beginning of a new paradise in the skies. Yes..this is it.

I held the knife tighter as it came closer into contact with my stomach.
I will finally be free, from this misery

Just as I was about to puncture the blade into my skin, the large door ; the only free entry to my room, opened slightly as an all too familiar face peeked from behind.

It was her.

Her head was bent down as she stared at her feet , immense guilt flooding her face. She didn't glance at me, so she was not aware of what I was doing.

"Hey so I came to say..I'm sorry and-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Dear Mr.Bully | ✓Where stories live. Discover now