The CEO's Trio ~ Eighteen

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Who is your favourite child??



Things had changed around here in the last two weeks, ever since Sebastian told me to forget about him we haven't spoken much.

He sends me a quick text during the day to ask if all is well, and that's it. He's working longer hours so I rarely even see him.

As soon as he comes back he goes straight into the kids room and kissss them goodnight before heading off into his office and staying there the whole night.

Olivia and Oliver were constantly asking to go and see him, and each time I would have to make up some sort of excuse. I know it's selfish, but his words had slightly hurt me. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss him.

"Rywee, hewp!" Oliver yelled, banging his fists on the coffee table an knocking down his blocks.

"I'm coming." I replied, placing Olive in her jumperoo, before turning around to face Oliver.

He looked too much like Sebastian, I couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking about me.

I always thought back to that phone conversation, wishing that I knew what he was talking about.

My phone buzzed from my back pocket and I pulled it out, scanning the text.

Mr Reynolds😾

Someone is picking you guys up for dinner @ 5. Dress formal.
- Seb x

"Whats this about?" I pondered, re-reading the text for fifth time. A formal event, but what was going on?

"Hewpppp!" Oliver yelled, getting irrated by now long it was taking me to help him.

"I'm not going to help you if you're yelling at me like that." I frowned, Oliver glared at me and picked up one of his blocks and throwing it in my direction.

"Hey! Don't you throw at me." I frowned, picking him up and placing him in time out.

He started crying and rolling on the floor banging his fist against the carpet and kicking and screaming. I watched at his face became a deep crimson as ha continued screaming at the top of his lungs. I grabbed him, even though he was kicking and screaming and held him at an arms lenght away from me.

We were all an edge now, everyone was tense and uncomfortable, even little Olive.

I placed him in the small pink chair in the corner.

Silence filled the room, the only sound that could be heard was Oliver's soft sniffling.

"Are you sorry?" I gently asked him, wiping the tears that were streaming down his face.

"I fink so." He mumbled, lifting up his arms so that I could take him out.

I sighed, shaking my head. Instead, I turned the chair around so he could watch T.V from timeout.


"I want to wear my Cinderella dress!" Olivia screamed throwing her black and gold dress that I had spent five minutes ironing at me.

She'd be complaining and throwing tantrums ever since I picked her up from school.

Oliver, on the other hand, who was fully dressed had just spilled orange juice all over himself and I was officially stressed.

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