The CEO's Trio ~ Fourty-Seven

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I honestly was beginning to think today couldn't get any worse.

My boyfriend had disappeared without a trace, and not a single person seemed to have a clue where he was, he had also decided to disappear on Olive and I's birthday, so I spent the whole day worrying about him instead of celebrating.

I mean she had just turned one, this day last year she was born into this world and Sebastian wasn't here to witness that.

Then to make matter worse, a unknown woman's child and I had just been kidnapped by a masked man who smells strongly of ginger.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, my phone just died.

Great, just great..

I began fidgeting with my bracelet, taking deep breaths so that I wouldn't pass out.

The kidnapper sighed, slowly removing it's coat and flinging it on the passenger seat, before running a hand through his jet black hair.

I assumed he must be a male, or maybe a girl with a really deep voice.

"Where are you taking me?!" I demanded to know, crossing my arms and legs and I watched the kidnapper. It wasn't like things could get any worse.

"Shut up." He grumbled, stopping at a red light and taking a deep breath, before pulling out a handgun.

I covered Claudio's eyes with my hands, and rested his head on my lap. I regretted bringing him to get macaroons, now he was beig kidnapped aswell and it was all my fault.

"Can I at least drop the baby off somewhere? It's not fair on him." I protested, snuggling Claudio.

"What part of shut up don't you understand?" He grumbled, slipping the gun back into his leather handgun holster.

I let out a breath of relief, but Claudio furrowed up his eyebrows.

"Do't say dat word!" He exclaimed standing up, glaring at the kidnapper. Claudio smacked the kidnappers arm in anger.

I couldn't help but coo at Claudio, who had practially risked his life, defending me.

The kidnapper glanced at Claudio, before swerving and parking on the side of the road, completely turning off the car.

He slowly turned to face both us, the balaclava only allowing us to see his hazel eyes.

"Did you and Sebastian invest in another child, because I know for a fact that he isn't Oliver." He stated, analysing Claudio's appearance.

His voice sounded familiar..

"I know for a fact, that that is known of you concern." I snapped, pulling Claudio into my chest and kissing his blonde curls.

"I have a gun, Rylee. Don't test me."

I rolled my eyes, at this point I was beginning to doubt he'd pull the trigger, but with my luck, you never know.

"Can you at least tell me who you are? Or even where you're taking me?" I questioned, hurting my my my face in Claudio's curls.

I snickered, "You don't know who I am? I'm just loving this." He removed his balaclava and dumped it on his coat, before turning back and smirking at me.

I placed Claudio on the ground, before climbing on top of him and beating the stupid out of him.

"When Sebastian finds out about this, he's going to kill you." I warned, untangling my hands from his hair, as he laughed and pleaded with me to get off him.

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