i once knew a boy

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I once knew a boy who I was in fact in love with. Every time we touched I felt like my heart was going to fall out of my chest and my body would collapse. Every cliché kiss that was placed on his soft lips was paradise. Every time we would hold each other close, even if for just a few seconds, I felt like I was floating in air.

I would look into his eyes and I would see none other than love. The mocha coffee color collided perfectly with his pale, freckled expanse of skin, and his beautiful blue hair was tossed perfectly over his teenage boy head.

He was a tad bit shorter than me (which has changed over this past few years due to puberty) which I loved just because i could admire him from a different angle.

His hands were very soft and they reminded me of winter. Any chance we got he would simply sometimes even just place his hand over mine, just to let me know that he was there.

We would be in the same English class together, and sometimes he would just bump his knee into mine, or place his hand over my thigh,or hold my pinkie under the table to let me know he was there.

He was love. He was my definition of love and he still is.

We had the same taste in music. Sometimes we would talk over the phone and he would play music over his laptop while we just listened to each others steady breaths. He would make stupid jokes that always succeeded in making me let out a small laugh.

I still remember the first time he told me he loved me in person. We had been dating for about 4 months and we couldn't keep it in anymore. I truly loved him and was truly in love with him.

I still remember the first time we shared a kiss on the lips. If was a little bit forced and not very romantic, but it made my stomach build with butterflies. All of our friends were surrounding us and he quickly place those soft lips of his on my chapped ones, and it was only for half a second. But I loved it.

The first night we held each other until we fell to sleep was bliss filled. I buried my face in the space between his shoulder and neck, and sometimes I would lift me head up to give him a kiss to the neck or the jaw. It was nothing but peaceful.

I still remember our first fight. It wasn't really that bad, but at that time it was hell. i remember it was about something stupid and my heart was racing a million miles a minute as it went.

this boy has been the light of my life since i was 14 years old and i can't believe, 10 years later, i'm getting married to the love that brought me so much joy.

i look back on every moment we had and just can't believe how lucky i am.

i love joshua dun with every fiber being in my body and i could never be luckier.


just a shorty.

stay street xx


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