silliest things

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important note at the end that i wish for you all to read 💕


its kinda crazy what joshua can do to tyler.

the young brunette always sits in front of his mirror, feeling extremely small and ugly,just because of the way he looks.

he creates small water color bruises upon his milky skin as she pinches and tugs at the pudge that he hates, but joshua adores.

the brown hue has the most perfect amount of pudge on his hips, tummy, thighs, face, and even his bum, but he dosent see it.

then joshua comes home from his job, lays his little ty down and praises him with all the nicknames and sweet nothings you could probably ever think of.

"you're so beautiful, sugar."

his rough hands ran through chocolate locks and mocha eyes met those of the younger boys.

plump lips met slightly chaped ones as hands still caressed the beauty that was tyler joseph.

"you're silly, sunshine." tyler would say with a giggle.

josh would let out a low chuckle and kiss his little ty's lips several more times before saying back,

"i only speak the truth, honey."


if you don't know already, my name is sophie. i am 13 years old, and i love writing about love and expressing it.

i've been doing it now for almost a whole year! i started out with this book right here and i remember being so i exited when i hit 200 reads.

now i'm looking at numbers that are up to 10,000. that is insane.

i just wanted to tell you guys thank you for giving me purpose.


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