It's Done

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                Kate woke up with a sharp pain in her neck and a pounding headache. She groaned, attempting to sit up in what appeared to be a car. She looked around: she was alone in the car, but it looked like she was in the middle of nowhere. Kate tried to think back to what happened. All she could remember was trying to make a pretend deal with Andre to get his blood. His blood. Bonnie couldn't perform the spell without it and now he was gone. Kate tried to move, but she noticed that her hands were tied. From the scars around her wrists, Kate assumed the ropes were soaked in vervain. It didn't hurt, though, considering that she took vervain on a regular basis after she was compelled to stay in Mystic Falls.

The car door opened, and Kate was forced to face Andre's sick grin. "And here I thought we'd have to do the spell with you unconscious," he taunted. Andre reached into the car, but Kate pushed him away and attempted to get out on her own. Unfortunately, she fell to the ground with a thud. "The concentrated vervain I injected you with is going to keep you weak, darling," he teased, picking her up and carrying her away from the car.

As Kate placed her bound wrists against Andre's chest, she noticed that his shirt started to singe, and he grinded his teeth in pain. For someone who uses vervain as a torture device, he has no immunity to it.

"Quick tip," Kate coughed weakly, barely phasing Andre. "Don't use vervain to restrain a vampire that drinks it regularly," she hissed, grabbing Andre's attention. Before he could even make eye contact, Kate had manage to jump out of his arms and slip her bound hands around his neck, choking him with his own ropes. Andre cried out in pain as he fell to the ground. Kate took this opportunity to try to make a run for it, but even she was weakened by the poison Andre injected her with earlier.

In a flash, he was standing before her, blocking her escape. He was infuriated. "I suggest you don't try that again," he spat, snapping her neck once again.

In the meantime, Bonnie had been performing a locator spell to find Kate and Andre. She knew something was wrong when Kate didn't come back with Andre's blood, so she told Damon about her plan. At first, he was furious that Kate didn't involve him, but at the same time he knew that he would've done the same thing.

With Damon's blood, Bonnie was able to pinpoint Kate's location. "She's about a mile away from the cemetery," Bonnie instructed. Damon stood up to leave. "Where are you going?" Bonnie asked, exasperated.

"I'm going to save my daughter's life," Damon stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're no match for Andre, he'll kill you," Bonnie stated, not even phasing Damon. He whipped open the door to find Kol leaning up against the frame.

"Then I guess it's a good thing that he'll have backup," he stated, walking alongside Damon to what could be their end.

Kate had barely regained consciousness before Andre's witch began the spell. Apparently Kate did have to be awake for it to work. She tried to run again, but all it did was buy her a few extra minutes. Kate looked at Andre, pleadingly. "Please don't do this," she cried in a last attempt to save herself. Andre bent down to her level.

"I have to, darling," he whispered, smiling at her. "It's the only way that you'll come with me."

"If you stop this right now I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Andre. There was a part of me that loved you before, and I can love you again if you stop this," she whispered. For a second, something changed in Andre's expression. For a second, Kate saw the old him, before he became Jack the Ripper. For a second, Kate saw the dorky newbie vampire that she fell in love with so long ago.

But it was only a second. His expression turned much darker and terrifying than she had ever seen before. "Is it done?" he snapped at the witch. She opened her eyes, but nothing came out of her mouth except blood.

"It's done alright," Kol said as the witch fell to the ground, her heart in his hand. "What can I say," he joked, tossing the heart aside, "I'm the jealous type." Andre grabbed Kate by the neck, holding her hostage in his grasp.

"If you come any closer, I'll rip her throat out right here," he threatened. Suddenly, Kate was flung against a tree, knocking her onto the ground. She struggled to pick her head up and saw Damon on top of Andre. He plunged his fist into Andre's chest.

"Damon, no!" Kate cried. Surely he wouldn't be dumb enough to kill them both. He couldn't be, right? Damon looked at Kate for a split second before turning back to Andre and grabbing his heart.

"You're idiots if you think I'm the last person who's going to come after her!" Andre spat, momentarily phasing Damon. "There are people all over the world who want her dead!"

Not wanting to hear any more, Damon ripped his heart out of his chest, watching Andre's body desiccate before his eyes.

"No!" Kate cried before closing her eyes, overcome by weakness.

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