A quick enemy

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Song: Mercy

I started panicking once he said that.

"No way!! How could I, Y/N L/N, be a guardian?!" I exclaimed.

"My staff must have done something!" Jack said back.

"But I can still stay here, right? With my family and friends?" I asked.

All I got as an answer was silence.

"Th-there's no way I can leave my friends! Or my family! The-they've all been so good to me...." I stuttered, on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry Y/N....but it's safer for you if you stay with the guardians. You could learn to control your powers and-" said Jack, but I cut him off.

"Then at least let me stay for one more day. Please. If I have to go, I will. But only so that everyone will be safe."

He hesitated for a second, but nodded.

"I'll tell the guardians that there's another one on the way. I'll pick you up tomorrow, k?" He asked.

"O-ok." I answered.

I flew down and ran to my house, slamming the door.

"Y/N? What's wro-" asked my dad, but I just stomped up to my room and slammed the door shut.

I stayed in my room all day and night, not wanting to see my parents or friends. That would make it harder to say goodbye.

In the middle of the night it started snowing a bit more, and I went out, just to get some fresh air and a little chill.

I sat down on my porch and stared at the sky, with the amazing stars and the constellations I could spot. It was all so awesome.


I turned around to see Jack standing behind me, his staff at his side.

"Hey." I replied.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Well, duh! Of corse I'm ok! I don't mind leaving my friends and family at all! Why'd you ask?!" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled and sat down beside me.

"I know how you feel. I was a human once." Jack said, trying to comfort me.

"Then how'd you become a guardian?" I asked him.

"I fell in a frozen lake. Next thing I know, BOOM, I've been snowified." he replied.

"Am I the only guardian who became a guardian without dying?" I asked again.


We continued talking a bit, and next thing I know, Jack's shaking me awake.

"Five more minutessss....." I whined.

"Y/N cmon. You need to meet the guardians."

I jumped up and started jumping up and down. But then stopped, because I remembered I'd have to leave all the awesome people here.

Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Where stories live. Discover now