Birthday's Are Awesome

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Song: Savin' Me Andddddd another Jack Frost video *bows down and trips on shoelace* *stands up and points at everyone* You didn't see nothin'
(f/f)= fav. flavor

I woke up in the morning, and saw nothing.

Like, literally, nothing.

Just darkness.

And then I heard Kendall's voice.

"Guys, guys, she's awake!"

I smirked and mentally rolled my eyes.

"Can someone please remove this blindfold?" I asked.

"Nope. We've got a surprise for ya mate." Bunny said, and I heard Tooth giggle in the background.

"Ok....what is it?" I asked again.

"If we told you, it wouldn't much of a surprise, now would it?" Jack replied.

I shrugged, and stayed silent.

"So, am I just gonna lay down here, or what?" I said a minute later.

"Oh, yea, sorry." said Jack and he carried me bridal style. Everyone walked out of the room, to somewhere.

A minute later, Jack made me stand somewhere, and the blindfold was still on me.

I heard some shuffling and some 'Shhh!'s, and then everything was quiet.

"Ok, you can remove your blindfold now." Tooth said, and I removed my blindfold to here everyone shout:


I almost fell backwards, but then stood up straight.

And smiled like a weirdo.

"Oh my Mim, thank you guys so much!!" I exclaimed and bounced on them and hugged the life out of all of them.

"C-can't....breathe....." Jack stuttered out, and I let them go.

"Thank you guys so much! But how did you know when my birthday was? Because even I don't remember that." I asked them.

"Well, we just made a random guess." Tooth replied. "And it was all Jack's idea."

I smiled at him and hugged him, but a little less tight.


He patted my head and chuckled.

"No problem."

I broke apart from the hug, and looked around.

On one table, there were 10 presents, all wrapped in different wrappers.

There were 2 which were wrapped with green wrapping paper which had Easter eggs on it, 1 with yellow, green and purple wrapping paper, another 1 with a light blue one with waves, 1 with yellow and gold, 2 with Christmas wrapping paper, and 3 with snowflakes on them.

And then, beside the table with presents, there was something almost as awesome as the presents.


Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant