Someone's Jealous~

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Song: Castle On The Hill (NC)

I woke up because someone was shaking me.

"Whatttttt...." I asked sleepily.

"Wake up woman." said the person.

"Nu." I replied.

"Cmon North has a surprise for us." said the same person, and I shot up.

"SURPRISEEEE!!!" I exclaimed and tried getting up, but it seems like my legs didn't wake up yet, so I fell down face first on the floor.

Someone laughed, and pulled me up.

"Cmon hurry up unless you want all of us to miss the surprise." Raven said, and Tooth tossed me some clothes.

I realized that it was just me, Ricky, Raven and Tooth in the room.

"Wait where is everyone else?" I asked them as I quickly changed and combed my hair.

"Outside. You done yet?" Ricky asked, and I nodded.

"I seriously hope this surprise is worth me being forced to wake up when Sandy was giving me an awesome dream."

Once we got outside, there were yetis running around everywhere, and the elves were playing in the corner.

Jack, Ethan, Jamie, Bunny, Sandy and Kendall were all standing in another corner, talking to each other.

We walked over there.

"Hey guys. Why are we all standing in a corner?" I asked them.

Jack shrugged. "North told us to wait here." He replied.

We all continued talking, until I noticed all the yetis and elves were gone.

It seemed like everyone else noticed too, since we gradually stopped talking.

"Um....don't ya think something seems kinda fishy here?" Ethan said.

"Wait a second....." I said. "Didn't North tell us he was going somewhere today?"

Everyone gulped, and looked around.

Someone suddenly coughed from my left, and we all turned there to see a guy.

Ricky and Ethan gasped, and Ricky jumped on him.

"Justin!" Ricky exclaimed, and squeezed him. "Where in the world were ya? You missed so much!"

Ethan walked up to him and gave him a high five, which electrocuted him. He smirked and said: "Heya Justin."

"Hey Ethan and Ricky." Justin said, and he looked at us. "Who are they?"

Ricky let go of him, and smiled at us.

"Guardians and friends, this is Justin. Justin, these are the Guardians and their friends." She said.

Justin smiled at us. "Nice to meet you."

We all smiled back. "Nice to meet you too Justin." Tooth said.

"That's the Tooth fairy, Jack Frost, the Easter Kangaroo, Kendall the water spirit, the Sandman, Jamie and Raven who are our friends, and my twin sister Y/N." Ricky introduced all of us.

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