The Games Begin

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"Do you wanna be my partner?"

The question struck me. It was last period on a Friday, meaning there was only a half hour left of school before the weekend. I'd kept my eyes on the clock all class, watching the minutes tick by. Mom was on a business trip all weekend, leaving Jackie and I with the house to ourselves. More specifically, Jackie and her friends had the house to themselves while I spent the weekend with Sydney and Bella in an attempt to avoid her at any and all costs.

I had just been thinking of places we could go when I heard a voice from behind me.

"What?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from the clock. There, standing by my desk, was Blake Sivan. I narrowed my eyes. "...Do you want?" I added.

"For Mr. Pearson's project. The impact of colonization on today's society. Were you not listening?"

"Of course I was listening. I... I was just-" I sputtered, trying to gather my thoughts. I crossed my arms, regaining composure. "I was giving you a chance to rephrase your question. Because there's no way you think I'm dumb enough to partner up with you."

Blake smirked. "Oh, I get it. You think I'm trying to get you back for the whole tripping thing in the cafeteria."

"Why else would you be asking me?"

"I'm not gonna do anything to you. I'm better than that." Blake laughed. "But trust me, El. If I were to get you back it would be a lot worse than some history prank. It would be thought out. Well planned. Vicious."

As Blake's gaze pierced my soul, I felt my heart drop. What did he have planned?

"Anyways, I was only asking to be nice. I've got plenty of other options, but I don't think anyone wants to be your partner."

"That's not true!" I protested, then looked around the room. The class had already paired off, leaving the two of us stuck together.

Blake started to walk away. "It's all good. I totally understand. You're just scared."

"Am not."

Blake grinned, setting his arm on the edge of my desk and leaning forward. He raised an eyebrow.

"Prove it."


The sound of gold bracelets clanging against one another filled my eardrums from outside the bathroom stall. Leave it to Ingrid and her backup team to make my day even worse.

"I love that top. Where's it from?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I waited for them to leave. School let out in less than five minutes. I needed to get out of this stall. But the thought of approaching a group of catty high school girls touching up their makeup i the mirror made me want to hide out in here forever. The last time I'd been in a bathroom with girls like them, my self confidence had plummeted faster than they could give me 'the look'.

"I don't remember, sorry. You can probably find a similar one at, like, Zara?"

I checked the time on my phone, growing more and more impatient. Nothing was worth this torture. with one deep breath, I unlocked the stall door and came out.


Bella stood next to Ingrid and three others in front of the bathroom mirror. She looked back at me in surprise.

"How long were you in there?"

"it doesn't matter," I deflected, approaching the sinks. "What are you doing...?"

Ingrid closed her purse, fixing the last of her makeup. "I should go. See you later, Bells." she turned to her friends, but not before glancing over at me disdainfully. "Come on."

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