#13 The Chosen Alpha.

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I don't remember when I slept during the journey but when I woke up, I was back in my room.

Elias wasn't around but his scent was present in the air, he must have been here for long.

I throw the covers and get on my feet as I look for my phone.

Mindlinking takes lot of energy and I am exhausted. I call my Beta who picks his phone after second ring.

"Alpha." He addresses.

"Ron I believe you are busy with the arrangements? I want the report." I ask straight to the point.

"Alpha.. Are you serious? We don't want it.."He admits.

"Ron, it's my decision to make. And I want it."

"Is it because of Alpha of Shadow pack?" He spits as I can feel his anger bubbling inside against my mate. I sigh, it's going to be hard explaining things.

"On second thought, I don't want you to start the preparations for the fight." I reply as he exhales sharply, a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Alpha. ThankGod!"

"I am not done with my statement yet Ron." I remind as I can imagine his stature to stiffen at my words.

"You are going to be the next Alpha. I am giving you the power." I finish.

"No. No, I can't Alpha. I don't want to.." He starts but I cut him off mid sentence.

"It's my decision. You are the next Alpha. I'll be there to declare it myself. And it is finalised." I decide with authority in my voice and I know he can't deny now.

"Okay.." He whispers slowly and I hang up before I can loose control over myself.

I don't want it. But I can't put the pack members life in danger because of me. And now I need to get away from here. I need to stay away from Elias too.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Someone questions as I stiffen and turn around.

"For how long were you standing there?" I ask as Mischa comes ahead and enters my room.

"From the time where you thought your beta is a perfect future Alpha." She replies nonchalantly and settles on the bed Infront of me.

I nod as I don't know what should I reply.

"You are ignoring." She states.

"No. I am just.. I'm just.. speechless. I can't explain myself. I need to do what I am doing." I reply as I sit on the little couch in the room.

"That doesn't justifies anything." Another voice says and we both turn towards the door to find Elias standing there.

What is it with people today? Do I get some privacy?

"I don't want you to leave your position." Elias declares and he settles beside Mischa and looks all around the little room scrunching up his face.

"That's my decision to make. And you don't..- "

"I know Ava! Stop acting on impulse!" He cuts me off as he roughly runs his hands through his hair.

"I get it, but stop running away like a freaking rogue for once! And learn to fight your problems like a Alpha. You are an Alpha. Your people depend on you. When you're an Alpha, you do not think about yourself first but, you think about your family. Your pack members. They are your responsibility Ava. They depend on you, you can't do this to them." He shouts as he stands and towers me.

The True AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ