#48 The Countdown- Day Four and Three

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Rikon was the first person who shifted alerting the warriors of the opposite end. Rikon's wolf strutted forward ran the length of our territory marking our territory before howling a loud howl that's equivalent to challenging the leader or the opposite side.

The moment he takes a step forward, Aaron's warriors quickly shift in sync. This alerts James, he shifts quickly as others. 

Then it wrecks havoc. 

Aaron's men were skilled and moving with a grace with lighter steps as they maneuvered their way through the crowd towards three different directions. 

The group later separates and breaks into more smaller units. Most of the warriors turned towards their right and moved.

All of those warriors headed and aimed at a single person. 



I had two of my pack warriors with me, Elijah and Melanie. Both of them hidden just like me waiting for my command. 

I motion from my hands, signaling them to look after the two other troops while I help James who had to fight alone against a full troop dead set on killing him. 

James like an Alpha stands right on his place not backing down. 

I see five wolves running towards him and then the number increases to twenty. The little troop of wolves that James had with him, quickly stood along growling and inviting Aaron's warrior to attack them. 

I loved the way James's warriors were so protective of him. 

But the hardest task was in my hands. 

Every wolf was shielding a hunter behind them and from my view I can easily see four arrows pointed right at James. I have only few seconds to act. 

Either the hunters will kill him or they will be killed if I am fast enough. 

I look around to see my troop but Melanie is busy with a hunter quickly hitting him on his head and pulling him behind a tree to grab his arrow and Elijah protecting one of my warriors. 

No help from them. 

I break a thick branch off the tree I was on, right as Aaron's warriors reach to James. 

A loud splash sound and suddenly everyone was away. For a second I stop and look at him in awe. He looked confident and the Alpha he is. James had a dark look in his eyes but his hands were stretched out just like Kael when he is handling fire. 

James water ability looked like it lacked practice. Unstable, would be the right word. Because he can't aim it right. Another demerit of being an elemental; you can create them but never control them the way you want. 

But James did an outstanding job right as Aaron's wolves got up in a fighting stance. 

He raised both of his hands together with his palm stretched out and a wall of water rose following his hand's movement. 

Aaron's warriors were confused but that quickly brought me out of my trance. I saw the four hunters still aiming at James but annoyed as they can't reach him right now. 

The thick branch I held in my hands felt heavy suddenly but I ignored its heaviness and jumped to the nearest tree to get closer to the hunters.

All four of them were standing in forest protected by four warriors who were currently busy fighting James. I had to be discreet about what I do. I can't disclose my presence right now.

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