#23 The Disclosure

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A/N Important!
I have changed Arena's name to Mischa.
And I'm extremely sorry for this late update.
That's all. Enjoy your read!


I leave Xander's office giving him time to cool off and a chance to consider his situation.

If you ask me, how I know about his mate? The answer is I didn't.  It was actually a wild guess. But as I was reasoning his face told me that I am going in the right direction, so I went with the flow considering few things and added some reasons and then voila!

There are still lots of questions that are left unanswered, including why Mischa helped Xander? Does she already know something that we don't? But right now what's important is to stop this war. I don't know how Xander can be so hard on his people. How can he be so blinded by his pain that he can't see what he is doing? Killing innocent people isn't going to bring back his mate.

"It's in a week. We need to do something" a very tired and hoarse female voice says from behind a door which I pass making me stop in my track as I definitely know the owner of this voice but I can't figure out who it belongs to.

 "That day could bring good too. Don't be so negative about it" another voice speaks which belongs to a man.

"It depends on her too you know. We need to find her before it happens. If she doesn't learn how to control herself it will be devastating!" the female exclaims. And from her voice I can tell she is worried.

"Relax she will come out on that day. You know she will and then we will be there to help her." The male replies comforting the women.

"Yes, I will finally see my daughter that day, after so many years" the women sobs.

I concentrate so hard on that voice that I nearly shrieked as a hand press on my shoulder. I spin around to see a worried looking Mischa standing in front of me.

"What is it Ava? Are you okay?" she questions touching my sweaty forehead.

"Oh...h...I...m... am... fine" I stutter. Then ask her "What are you doing here? Where is Keeva?"
"It's Elias he has gone wild, fighting like a beast. It's like his rogue side is acting again" she says and without answering I run out of Xander's pack house remembering where I was heading before I was distracted by the couple's conversation to stop the bloody war.

And trust me the sight I am presented with is people's nightmare come true. I stand rooted at my spot looking at the male in front of me in astonishment. I have never seen anyone fight this way, never. No wonder his pack is the strongest. The wolf's grayish fur looks like its bending the rays and absorbing all of the sun rays as he moved. He is emitting a strong and dark powerful aura as he moves and all the movements are precise and calculated with a rough touch.
I have seen Alpha's fighting and have fought with few of them. But I know I stand no Chance against this Alpha, this male who is destined to be mine, Elias my mate.

Elias roared as a wolf approached. He took a step back probably to analyze the wolf.
The wolf irrespective of this stepped forward towards Elias and in a blink of an eye the wolf was in hard clutches of Elias. Elias is like a beast unleashed, who is fighting without a care in the world. Another wolf lunged at him but got clawed in his neck in mid air and then dropped down on the ground chocking on his own blood. Using his tail Elias swished the feet of a warrior who was trying to get closer to Elias in his human form a second ago. All of it happened so fast that I would have missed it have I not been so concentrated on Elias's fighting skill.

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