#51 The AfterWar

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The longest and last second chapter of this entire book. Enjoy!

Don't forget to give your views. I'll be waiting for all of them. Hope you like this. Last Chapter will be published next Tuesday.



The intensity of her words hits me hard and I stagger taking a step back. I look at Ava who is glaring at everyone on the battlefield.

I turn back at moon goddess “Ava doesn’t have control over her body, does she?”I ask even though I know the answer already.

Actually she has no idea who she is” the moon goddess replies as she flows in the direction I am standing.

“But how will this end-..” I stop as I turn and my eyes lands on the clear space.

She left.

I quickly swivel around to see Ava growling loudly as she squats a little and gains enough momentum before jumping as high as no one ever did and landing perfectly on fully grown wolves. Using back of her palm she makes a clean swipe, hitting everyone in its path.

She's like a living form of apocalypse. I don't know who is more dangerous for us, Ava or Aaron.

I shift from my place and take a single step forward, towards Ava and her head turns as quick as wind and her dark red eyes falls on me. I stop as my leg freezes mid step and I take a step back.

How did she recognize a slight change in a field full of werewolves? Her senses are a hundred times better than us.

I see Kael and James standing behind me and confused, I glare at them. How on earth did James get into the battlefield and when?

Kael suddenly jumps forward and punches me in my guts using my distracted state of mind. I avoid the punch with a narrow escape and quickly somersault avoiding his next attack.

It does not take me long time to figure that they are being controlled by Ava and they have no idea what they are doing.

It's cowardice to hide in a battlefield, even more cowardice when you are an Alpha and an Enforcer at that, but right now I see no other opportunity. I duck and kick Kael before he can kick me, making him flying back towards James.

I give no thought to this before I quickly reach down towards James and push him off the battlefield with me. I drag him as far as I can. I know he can't control himself, he will move only when Ava or better yet, moon goddess commands him. So there's no chance of him reaching out to hurt me.

What would Ava do in this situation? I question and let this question float in my mind as I get closer to the medical camps.

I see Mellisa outside of the camp with her hand on her heart and she takes deep breath as she watches me.

Ava is a True Alpha by birth. This means she was supposed to rule the entire werewolf species. She was powerful even then, enough to soak the moon goddess spirit. But she never realized the extent of her powers. This instinct wouldn't get lost even if she is turned now. Her true abilities won't ever go.

Ava also creates a serene atmosphere wherever she goes and can put even the nasty rogues into peace.

Now that moon goddess is controlling her changed state and her two powerful counterparts Kael and James. It's only Ava's True Alpha inside that can help us.

I dig the heel of my legs hard on the sandy field as I lose my speed quickly and stop before I can reach the camp. I see Melissa running towards me and I drop James on the ground.

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